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Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Shopware Multi-Seller Marketplace

Rating: 4.0

Average rating of 4 out of 5 stars

(3 reviews)
Downloads: 161



  • The module will not work with the lower and higher version of Shopware.
  • For any query, you can raise a ticket at https://webkul.uvdesk.com/


  • Customer can become a seller.
  • The admin can set the option to auto-approve the seller.
  • The admin can set the option to auto-approve the seller's products.
  • The admin can allow sellers to manage the status of their orders.
  • The admin can check the seller's product information.
  • The admin can set the commission percentage.
  • The admin can approve/disapprove the seller and seller's products.
  • The admin has the ability to assign products to the seller.
  • The seller can manage the seller profile, seller products, seller orders.
  • Seller info on the product page
  • Public seller profile having all the information about the seller
  • The seller can check other seller's details.
  • The seller can create simple and variant products.
  • The seller can check their earnings on behalf of daily, monthly, and yearly basis.
  • The code is open-source so it can be easily customized.

About the Extension

Shopware Multi-Seller (Multi-Vendor) Marketplace for Shopware 6 will completely transform your Shopware 6 store into the marketplace. With this module, any customer can become the seller and sell their products. If the customer is already registered at the store then he/she can apply for the seller ship. The seller can manage seller profile, seller products, seller orders. The seller can see the other seller products and information. The seller can add product and product variants with this module.

Follow the User Guide: https://webkul.com/blog/shopware-multi-seller-marketplace/

Contact us over skype: https://bit.ly/Akeneo-Shopware-Pimcore

Plugin Configuration :

After installing the plugin, you have to configure the Shopware Multi-Seller Marketplace. For it, you have to click on the config. You can see these options here.

Auto Approve Sellers - The admin can enable the option to auto-approve the sellers.

Auto Approve Products - The admin can enable this option to auto-approve the seller's products.

Commission - Here the admin can set the commission for seller products in percentage.

Admin Configuration - 

After the successful installation of the Shopware Multi-Seller Marketplace, the admin can see the Marketplace menu in the backend of the Shopware store.

  • The store owner can manage the seller's approval manually or automatically.
  • The admin can approve the products added by the seller manually or can make it auto-approved.

The admin can see these options:

Sellers - Here the admin can see all the sellers registered on the marketplace. 

Products - Here the admin can see all the products created by the sellers & order count of particular seller product.

Orders - Here the admin can see the Seller orders created by the Customers.

Front-end Configuration - 

A seller can register himself at the Shopware multi-seller marketplace and the customer can also apply for the sellers. For it, the seller has to navigate to the Shopware6 front-end where the seller can see the Marketplace button at the top-right of the screen.

Before login, the visitor can click on the marketplace button to check all the seller's list registered at the marketplace. The visitor can also check the seller details.

After login to Shopware multi-seller marketplace, the seller can see the seller options at the top-right of the screen after extracting the Marketplace button. Here the seller can see these options:

Seller Profile - Here the seller can manage his/her marketplace profile. The seller can add the details like Store Logo, Store Banner, Owner image, Store slug, social links, and store description.

Seller Products - The seller can see all the product list created by him/her.

Seller Orders - The seller can see the order created by the customers.

Seller Add products - Here the seller can create and manage the products at Shopware 6 Marketplace.


  • Available: English
  • Latest update: 9 November 2023
  • Publication date: 14 October 2019
  • Version: 1.3.5
  • Category: B2B extensions


Reviews (3)

Average rating

Average rating of 4 out of 5 stars

Based on 3 reviews
3.7 Functionality
4.0 Usability
3.3 Documentation
4.0 Support

33 %
33 %
33 %
0 %
0 %

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Funktioniert paar Punkte

Average rating of 4 out of 5 stars

by Martin Scherer
3 February 2022 07:36
Einige Wörter wie zB: Variants statt Varianten, Price satt Preis, Stock statt Lagerbestand, Action statt Aktion im Seller Account lassen sich nicht in den Textbausteinen übersetzen ebenso wie Standard rate in Standard Satz, Reduced rate in Reduzierter Satz, Reduced rate 2 in Reduzierter Satz . Im Dropdown Menü der Varianten sollte auch Select in auswählen und selected in ausgewählt geändert werden. Wenn diese Punkte mal geändert sind wäre es toll! Ansonsten schneller Support und Hilfe bis auf oben genannte Punkte. Mal warten ob das noch angepasst wird...???
4.0 Functionality
4.0 Usability
3.0 Documentation
4.0 Support
Nicht perfekt - aber funktioniert

Average rating of 3 out of 5 stars

by Harald Kluck
29 January 2021 13:40
Leider sind die (Sub-)Shopfunktionen sehr reduziert und das CSS fällt aus dem schönen Gesamtbild von Shopware heraus. Die Händlerseiten sind auch nicht responsiv. Die Idee des Multishops ist toll und technisch läuft es. Einige Übersetzungen sollten ggf. noch von einem Muttersprachler geprüft werden (z.B. SPEICHERN statt SPAREN).

(Nicht Teil der Bewertung) Die größte Hürde ist für mich kein Problem des Plugins, sondern die rechtliche Absicherung des Marktplatzes. Hier habe ich noch keine einfache, sichere Lösung gefunden.
3.0 Functionality
3.0 Usability
3.0 Documentation
3.0 Support
by Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd. 1 February 2021 11:17
Hello There,
Greetings of the day!!!
Thanks for the review. If you are facing any issue with the plugin responsiveness then you can send us an email at support@webkul.com
Thanks & Regards,
Webkul Team
Marktplatz Plugin

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Andreas Heinzl
30 July 2020 15:53
Sehr schneller und sehr guter Support des Herstellers.
Haben auch einen extra Wunsch extra ins Plugin integriert.
4.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
4.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
by Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd. 30 July 2020 18:08
Hallo Andreas,
Vielen Dank für Ihr wertvolles Feedback. Für jedes Problem können Sie uns eine E-Mail an support@webkul.com senden

About the Extension Partner

Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Partner Status

  • Shopware Bronze Partner Shopware
    Bronze Partner
  • Shopware Extension Partner Shopware
    Extension Partner


  • Ø-Rating: 3.9

    Average rating of 3.9 out of 5 stars

  • Partner since: 2019
  • Extensions: 15


  • Based in: India
  • Speaks: German, English