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DizTech BV.

PWA: Storefront to Progressive Web App

Rating: 3.0

Average rating of 3 out of 5 stars

(4 reviews)
Downloads: <100



  • Let your visitors add your shop to their home screen.
  • Local caching boosts your page loads.
  • Allow visitors to browse your shop when they are offline.


  • Easy out of the box plugin configuration.
  • Upload a custom PWA icon with simple instructions.
  • Refresh the cache of all your visitors with the change of a field.
  • Cache custom paths to images or pages via the plugin configuration to make them available offline.
  • Fully customize the presentation of your PWA to your liking.

About the Extension

Mobile-First Experience.

Heard about the new Shopware Vue Storefront, but unsure if it's worth the investment of >5k? The Instant PWA is your answer.

We bring 80% of the features of the Vue Storefront directly to your shop with minimal extra configuration or investment.

App-like, offline experience at your fingertips

The Zeo Progressive Web App Storefront turns your Shopware 6 Storefront into a PWA. Enjoy the "Add-to-home screen" goodness modern webbrowsers have to offer and allow your visitors to return to your shop with the click of an icon. If this doesn't get you excited already, by smart caching your shop becomes for 90% available offline. Now customers can browse your shop without the need of internet with the added advantage that your shop loads more than twice as fast!

Using easy plugin configurations you can tweak how your shop should be displayed on the user's home screen and which assets/pages are available offline, but don't worry we made sure the default settings allow for a perfect shopping experience ;)


  • Available: English, German, Dutch
  • Latest update: 20 February 2025
  • Publication date: 12 March 2020
  • Version: 3.0.0
  • Category: Special features


Reviews (4)

Average rating

Average rating of 3 out of 5 stars

Based on 4 reviews
3.0 Functionality
2.8 Usability
2.8 Documentation
3.0 Support

50 %
0 %
0 %
0 %
50 %

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App macht nicht das was sie soll!

Average rating of 1 out of 5 stars

by Celal Düz
5 March 2023 16:27
Sehr komisch ...
Die Demo zeigt hier keinen Unterschied zur PWA und wenn ich die Installiere habe ich auch keinerlei Unterschied.
Kein Icon und nichts weiteres.
Mache ich da was falsch, oder ist das ganze hier hinfällig und kann weg?!

Ich hab mal 2 Sterne gegeben, weil die sich Installieren lässt!
1.0 Functionality
1.0 Usability
1.0 Documentation
1.0 Support
by DizTech BV. 10 March 2023 10:49
Hi Celal,

I'm sorry to hear the extension is not functioning in your environment as expected. Can you submit a support ticket with us so we can look into the exact issue and we can resolve it?

Kind regards,

Gydo Broos
Genial einfach und funktioniert!

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Simeon Schlenker
31 May 2022 09:52
Auch unverständlich warum Shopware das nicht standardmäßig anbietet. Dafür gibt es dieses einfache praktische Plugin, dass die Grundfunktionalität einer PWA wunderbar in den Shop integriert. Auch auf meine Rückmeldung wurde schnell und kompetent reagiert.
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
Geniale Erweiterung - Mit wenig Aufwand zur PWA

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Tobias Wagner
7 April 2022 13:32
Aktuell befinden wir uns noch im Testmodus aber nach einem kleinen Problem bei der Einrichtung und super schneller Hilfe des Supports (innerhalb einer Stunde) konnte ich die PWA direkt einrichten!
5.0 Functionality
4.0 Usability
4.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
by DizTech BV. 7 April 2022 13:45
Hi Tobias, Thank you for your kind words! Always happy to assist :)

Average rating of 1 out of 5 stars

by Soheil Hosseini
13 December 2021 05:27
Dieses Plugin war mal gut - jedoch kann man diesen nicht mehr nutzen! Es ist nicht möglich das Stripe Zahlungsplugin zu nutzen, da dieses Plugin die requests abfängt und sonst was damit macht. Daher sind keine Zahlungen mehr via Stripe möglich. Daher ist eine Nutzung nicht möglich. Anscheinend wird dieses Plugin auch nicht wirklich geupdated...
1.0 Functionality
1.0 Usability
1.0 Documentation
1.0 Support
by DizTech BV. 13 December 2021 08:01
Hi Soheil, I'm sorry to hear you are having a bad experience with our plugin. We unfortunately can't guarantee out-of-the-box support with all Shopware plugins. We depend on good people like you to inform us of such incompatibilities in order to resolve them. Could you please contact us via the Shopware support portal so we can look into what might be causing the issues you are experiencing? If you are not familiar with the Shopware support portal you can reach us via info@zeo.nl :)

About the Extension Partner

Partner Status

  • Shopware Premium Extension Partner Shopware
    Premium Extension Partner


  • Ø-Rating: 4.5

    Average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars

  • Partner since: 2018
  • Extensions: 52


  • Based in: The Netherlands
  • Speaks: German, English
  • Response time: Very quickly