Ready This is an app especially developed for Shopware 6 Gold certified
Product Bundle

Product Bundle

by DizTech BV. (11) Ratings 497 Downloads
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  • zeobv39295123891m
  • DizTech BV.
  • 2.1.2
  • 19 Jun 2024
  • de_DE en_GB nl_NL
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Do your products consist of several components yet you are selling them separately? Our Bundle... more

Product information


  • Most robust and versatile bundle and item sets extension out there!
  • Easy to adjust relational configuration between components and products
  • Show or hide all components from your customers
  • A clear and easy-to-understand interface to easily adjust, create, or remove bundles
  • Useful for both promotional and/or administrative purposes


  • Three bundle price calculation modes: Sum of items; Fixed price, adjust prices of items in bundle; Calculations disabled
  • Configurable percentual discount over the bundle.
  • Allow customers to customize the contents of the bundle, including item selection, variant selection or quantity selection
  • Data inheritance, configure which fields you want the bundle to adopt from the items within it, like stock, weight, availability, etc.
  • Easily show or hide the items in the bundle on the Storefront, documents and emails
  • Show in which bundles a product is included from its product detail page.
  • Configure how much information is shown for the bundle items, like product and manufacturer number, thumbnails, prices and more.


Do your products consist of several components yet you are selling them separately? Our Bundle Products plugin solves this! It enables you to select the specific components that, when combined, make up a single product. You can select which product to sell, while simultaneously showcasing which separate components are included in it. We even made it possible for you to select the quantity for each component. For example, for a table, the page would show that four table legs are included in the product.


Facilitate convenience for customers

Besides being able to combine components into a single product, the Bundle Product also facilitates convenience for your customers. They will no longer have to go to separate pages to add the product to their cart. Each component of a single product can now be added to their cart with only a single click!

Increase your average order value

By creating bundles of products or components, customers will not focus on the purchase of one single product. Instead, they will most likely purchase a bundle with complementary products, which in turn increases the average order value, benefiting your online business.

Opportunities to reduce inventory costs

If you have a slow-selling product, you can combine it with a fast-selling product to reduce the inventory costs associated with that slow-selling product. By doing so, you reduce your overall costs as well as give you the opportunity to get rid of redundant inventory of products that sell slowly.

Still not convinced?

Over 180 online businesses are already using the plugin to combine their separate components into a single product bundle. See how the stores below have applied it to their stores: 


If something unexpected has happened or like to see an aspect of the checkout changed or improved, contact us via the Shopware support portal by selecting the plugin or by sending a message to Be sure to include your current Shopware version and the version of the plugin you are using. To accelerate the support process it's best to provide as much information as possible or provide us with access to your test environment. This way we can reproduce the issue for ourselves and come up with a solution quicker.

About us

The team of professionals at Zeo has over 15 years of experience in both online marketing and web development. With this experience, we have helped over 80 clients in 11 different countries, both B2C and B2B. Several new e-commerce shops have been built from the ground up using the Shopware platform and Zeo’s plugins. Notable customers of ours include Simon Lévelt, 24Kae, ABN AMRO Bank, and Allianz Global Assistance. For more information about us, visit

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this extension compatible with Pickware ERP? Yes! We are fully compatible with Pickware ERP. It might occur however that with a new Pickware ERP extension update some glitches occur, but rest assured, simply contact us at and we will resolve these as quick as possible.


Reviews 11
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Customer reviews

Average customer rating from 11 reviews:


Passendes Stücklisten - Plugin für die Warenwirtschaften

30 May 2024

Wir brauchen nur die Stücklistenfunktion zur gebuchten Warenwirtschaft und müßen durch dieses Plugin nicht auch noch ein sehr teures Zusatzprogramm mit weiteren Funktionen die wir gar nicht brauchen dazu buchen. Klasse das es Sie hier gibt. Support reagiert auch sofort. Was will man mehr :-)


DAS Bundle Plugin nachdem ich gesucht habe

28 Mar 2024

Kompatibel mit allen anderen Plugins und meinem Themeware-Theme. Super schneller, freudlicher und kompetenter Support setzt Ideen und Anregungen direkt um. So kann es weiter gehen ...


Top Produkt, super Kundenservice

27 Feb 2024

Wir sind sehr froh, dieses Plugin gefunden zu haben. Nun verwenden wir es schon einige Monate und sind sehr zufrieden. Für extra-Wünsche haben wir den Hersteller-Support kontaktiert, der sehr kompetent, schnell und äußerst hilfreich war. Klare Empfehlung von uns.


Gutes Plugin

17 Mar 2023

Gutes Plugin, dass keine Unvereinbarkeiten mit anderen Plugins aufweist. Hersteller reagiert sehr schnell. Good Job!


Great Support, Good Plugin :)

14 Feb 2023


Nur zu empfehlen!!

10 Jan 2023

seit wir dieses Plug-in im September installiert haben, hat das Team und insbesondere Gydo auf alle unsere Änderungswünsche reagiert, um es zu verbessern und vor allem das Problem der Kompatibilität mit Pickware und dem Lager zu lösen.
Bemerkenswert ist die Aufmerksamkeit für die Kunden und die Schnelligkeit ihrer Antworten, die immer die richtige Lösung und die richtigen Worte finden.
Vielen Dank dafür!
Jetzt funktioniert alles perfekt und wir können das Jahr 2023 gut beginnen!
Ich kann dieses Plug-in nur empfehlen!


Top App- Worked out of the box

6 Dec 2022

We are happy to have this app. The support ist brilliant. Some errors on the Detailpage while try to add a new bundle are now solved.


Erstklassiger Service

24 Sep 2022

Verkauf eines Bundles (Set aus mehreren Einzelartikeln) mit automatischer Pflege des Bestands der Einzelartikel. Ohne zusätzliche WaWi.
Genau das habe ich gebraucht und hiermit bekommen.

Werden die Einzelartikel (bei Bedarf) im Storefront angezeigt, fehlte bislang eine Sortiermöglichkeit der Einzelartikel. Diese jetzt frei wählbare Sortierung wurde auf Kundenwunsch hin umgesetzt - jetzt gibt es auch 5 Sterne. Nicht nur für das Produkt an sich, sondern auch für das "auf Kundenwunsch hören".

Wenn sich die Liste der Einzelartikel jetzt noch auf die Belege bringen lässt, bin ich euer Evangelist!


Hervorragende App die nur durch den Support getoppt wird!

30 Nov 2021

Die App erfüllt nach und nach all unsere Anforderungen. Verbesserungen und neue Funktionen kommen stetig hinzu und man nimmt unsere Anmerkungen und Wünsche gern an. Deshalb sind wir sehr glücklich eine so mächtige App gefunden zu haben die viel Potential für die Zukunft bietet. Der Support ist unschlagbar gut und schnell!


Einfaches Plugin das hält was es verspricht

11 Nov 2021

Set Artikel können einfach in der Artikelspezifikation ausgewählt werden und mit einem Hinweis versehen werden.
Auf eine Supportanfrage wurde innerhalb einer Stunde reagiert und die Kommunikation verlief super freundlich!
Das Plugin wird zudem vom Hersteller weiterentwickelt, somit stehen neuen Anforderungen nichts im Weg.
Gerne wieder!


Great Plugin and a great customer service!

3 Nov 2021

Works just as expected. Really quick help if you are facing issues. Thanks a lot!

DizTech BV.
3 Nov 2021

Hi Sven,

Thank you for the kind words, we are happy to help!

Configuration manual

View our documentation here


Version 2.1.2

- Now hiding bundle items from cart and checkout when 'Show products in bundle on storefront' is disabled.

Version 2.1.1

-   Fixed cart error when for bundle products with 'Show products in bundle on storefront' disabled

Version 2.1.0

-   **ATTENTION** - Major update

-   Added new feature to allow the customer to select which items they want in the bundle on the storefront. Only available for the "SUM prices" calculation mode.

-   Added new feature to allow the customer to change the quantity of items in the bundle on the storefront. Only available for the "SUM prices" calculation mode.

-   Added feature to allow the customer to switch between variants of a bundle item by assigning the parent product of the variants to the bundle. Only available for the "SUM prices" calculation mode.

-   Added feature to set a discount on product level in the bundle. Only available for the "SUM prices" calculation mode.

-   Improved UX of bundle configuration in the administration.

-   Changed structure of the bundle item overview, some classes have been refactored and the overview has been moved to the buy-widget-form.html.twig templates now using sw_include to include our zeobv-bundle-products/components/buy-widget-form.html.twig to avoid code duplication.

-   Performed some refactoring to improve code complexity and readability. Split up the bundle product collector and processor to reduce the complexity of these classes.

-   Improved style of bundle reference on bundle item product page

-   Improved snippet of bundle reference on bundle item product page

-   Advanced prices are now disabled for bundle products in combination with the SUM price mode to prevent unwanted discounts on discounts.

Version 1.4.29

-   Summing of advanced prices is now disabled by default for the SUM calculation mode. This can be re-enabled in the plugin configuration.

Version 2.0.1

- Support for PHP version 8.2 added.

Version 1.7.8

-   Resolved the issue of displaying digital product delivery information.

Version 1.7.7

-   Resolved the issue of Bin Location unknown in the picklist.

Version 1.7.6

-   Added a configuration option to hide the quantity of bundle items in the product detail page table presentation.

-   Added a configuration option to change the background and border color in the main product special card.

Version 1.7.5

-   Resolved the responsive template image is missing, and it displays a blank space instead.

Version 2.0.0

-   Added compatibility for Shopware 6.6

Version 1.7.4

Resolved the error of TaxDetector.

Version 1.7.3

- added seo url in bundle product link on product detail pages.

Version 1.7.2

- Resolved the picklist pdf not generated.

Version 1.7.1

-   Added missing title tag in bundle info.

-   Added configuration option to hide bundle child line items on order confirmation mail.

Version 1.7.0

- Many structural changes to the plugin to improve performance and stability

- Improved some snippets to be more clear in the configuration and on the storefront

- Added optional bundle support for Shopping Experience templates

- Improved design of optional bundle checkbox

- Moved some configuration options around to make more sense

Version 1.6.6

-   Fixed bug with optional bundle configuration in some cases where the bundle would not be added to the cart

-   Improved performance for large scale google feeds and listings by reducing the amount of queries needed to fetch the bundle product information

Version 1.4.28

-   Additional performance patch to support huge Google Shopping feeds

Version 1.6.5

-   Fixed bug where the bundle items would cause a template error if no cover image was set for the product

Version 1.6.4

Add option to offer bundle optionally

Version 1.6.3

-   Fixed VAT calculation issue when using net prices in combination with advanced pricing and higher quantities

Version 1.6.2

-   Fixed VAT calculation issue when using net prices in combination with advanced pricing

Version 1.6.1

Show variant detail at product detail page if bundle child item is variant product.

Version 1.6.0

Responsive design update for bundle child product table at product detail page.

Version 1.5.13

-   Added configuration option to show bundle product items detail in the pop-up.

-   Added configuration option to mark bundle product unavailable if one of its children is unavailable.

-   Added configuration option to hide bundle line item prices on invoice if price is 0.0.

-   Added configuration option to hide bundle child line items on invoice documents.

Version 1.4.27

Patch for performance hit on shops with a large amount of products

Version 1.5.12

-   Resolved delete Existing Bundle Connections time deletes all entries from the product.

-   Added Custom filed data in the cart.

Version 1.5.11

Added compatibility patch for Marketplace eBay order import plugin.

Version 1.4.26

Added compatibility patch for Marketplace eBay order import plugin.

Version 1.5.10

- Revised the bundle product fit price calculation to be more accurate

- Added option to disable the reference to the bundle product from the product detail page of products inside a bundle

Version 1.5.9

- Removed . in template

Version 1.5.8

- Patch for performance hit on shops with a large amount of products

Version 1.5.6

-   Significantly improved the performance of bundle collection.

-   Changed synchronised stock updates during order processing to be performed asynchronously via the message queue.

Version 1.4.25

Added block to the buy-widget override called page_product_detail_buy_container_bundle_list to improve extendability

Version 1.4.24

Resolved delete Existing Bundle Connections time deletes all entries from the product.

Version 1.5.5

Resolved bundle child item removed from the order when using Product Configurator extension with the bundle when adding to the cart product with a different configuration.

Version 1.4.23

Resolved bundle child item removed from the order when using Product Configurator extension with the bundle when adding to the cart product with a different configuration.

Version 1.4.22

Resolved Unknown "pickware_erp_product_name" filter on picklist with CogiPickLists extensions. 

Version 1.5.4

Resolved Unknown "pickware_erp_product_name" filter on picklist with CogiPickLists extensions.

Version 1.4.21

Added configuration option to disable Purchase price override.

Version 1.5.3

Added configuration option to disable Purchase price override.

Version 1.4.20

Resolved error while using multi currency price on bundle.

Version 1.4.19

Resolved missing bin Location in picklist

Version 1.4.18

- Resolved missing bundle items in picklist

Version 1.4.17

Resolved the picklist pdf not generated.

Version 1.5.2

Added link to bundle product from product detail pages of products that are inside a bundle

Version 1.5.1

Resolved bundle product link on when visibilities is selected Hide in Listings and search.

Version 1.4.16

Resolved bundle product link on when visibilities is selected Hide in Listings and search.

Version 1.4.15

Added seo url in bundle product link on product detail pages.

Version 1.4.14

Fixed template break.

Version 1.5.0

-   Introduced compatibility for Shopware 6.5.0 

Version 1.4.13

- Casting maxPurchase to int to avoid type error

Version 1.4.12

- Product detail bundle table display advance pricing bug fixed.

- Added configuration option to disable Max. order quantity override.

- Fixed weight calculation issue for bundle items with a quantity higher than 1

Version 1.4.11

- Make bundle product inherit the lowest "Max. order quantity" value from products in the bundle.

- Resolved price calculation bug in administration product listing

Version 1.4.10

-   Changed style of product number in bundle line item table

-   Edited config option label to provide more clarity

-   Fixed bug where the manufacturer would not be included anymore

-   Added product number to bundle product table when enabled in plugin config.

-   Added Bundle product quantity to cart and checkout items when enabled in plugin config.

-   Added hide bundle information in shopping cart and checkout when enabled in plugin config.

-   Fixed display hide/show price in shopping cart, order finish, user account order.

Version 1.4.8

Fixed the design issue in Storefront.

Version 1.4.7

-   Performed some fine-tuning in the sorting of line items of the Pickware picklist template override

-   Fixed an issue where the bundle product would fall apart during reorder via the Storefront

-   Fixed a rare exception in combination with advanced prices during bundle generation

Version 1.4.6

-   Fixed missing cover image in bundle item list

-   Fixed error in cart collector when using the Shopware custom product plugin

Version 1.4.5

-   Fixed error occuring when a customer would be excempted from taxes

Version 1.4.4

-   Fixed small bug in advanced price selection in the bundle product overview on the product detail page

Version 1.4.3

-   Fixed sub product item recalculation when adding a credit item in the order

-   Fixed issue where bundle products wouldn't always get saved

-   Added fix for duplicate number in bundle item positions

-   Fixed sorting of bundle line items on the storefront.

-   Bundle products are now considering inheritance for variants within a bundle, fixing the price of a bundle product containing variants in the admin

Version 1.4.2

-   Fixed order on picklist

Version 1.4.1

-   Fixed division by zero issue

Version 1.4.0

-   Added advanced prices support

-   Added price calculation optimisations

-   Added option to hide total price in bundle price list

Version 1.3.3

-   Updated weight override to be more configurable

Version 1.3.2

-   Added weight override

Version 1.3.1

-   Improved presentation of bundle products in picklist document

-   Product variant swatches now correctly present the availability of a variant bundle product

Version 1.3.0

-   Added partial support with Pickware ERP Starter. Warning, this update is experimental and can alter the function of the plugin on certain installations. Disable the newly added backwards compatibility config option for this new compatibility to take effect.

-   New configuration option added to create backwards compatibility with older installations. To improve compatibility with Pickware ERP starter disable the new option "Use a custom line item type instead of the default 'Product' line item type" option.

-   Deprecating the stock management configuration setting. When line items of type product are used Shopware will now manage the stock accordingly.

-   Added async hard "stock" and "available stock" updates via the message queue.

-   Fixed rounding precision errors originating from cart collector

Version 1.2.6

-   Added partial compatibility with Shopware's Customized Products plugin. Some anomalies still occur

Version 1.2.5

-   Fixed error in admin when adding a new product to the bundle

Version 1.2.4

-   Added an option to divide the stock by the quantity of the product inside the bundle

Version 1.2.3

- Fixed error during add to cart in a Tax Free context

Version 1.2.2

- Added position support for pre-1.2.0 bundle products.

Version 1.2.1

- Added block to the buy-widget override called buy_widget_buy_container_bundle_list to improve extendability

Version 1.2.0

- Added manual sorting feature for products inside a bundle.

Version 1.1.27

- Patch for issue introduced in 1.1.26, causing an error for products without a manufacturer.

Version 1.1.26

- Added manufacturer to bundle item payload for use in documents and mail templates

- Added manufacturer name to cart and checkout items when enabled in plugin config

Version 1.1.25

- Fixed german translation error

Version 1.1.24

- Fixed tax calculation issue when using the "Set the price of products inside a bundle to 0.00" option.

Version 1.1.23

- Changed "Adjust the product prices to fit within the bundle price" calculation to attempt providing more representative prices.

Version 1.1.22

- The multi vat calculation is disabled in combination with the "Don't perform any calculations" setting found in the plugin settings

Version 1.1.20

- Added link to product detail page of products within a bundle on the storefront

- Added option to show the cover image of products inside the bundle as a thumbnail on the storefront

- Added option to show the availability of products inside the bundle on the storefront

- Added import/export support for bundle product connections

Version 1.1.19

- Fixed bug of bundle connections not refreshing when switching to another product using the "Show product" function.

Version 1.1.18

- Increased bundle connection limit from 25 to 100 

- Rebuild administration JS files under v6.4.5.0 to fix issue

Version 1.1.17

- Patched bundle connection save issue occurring in rare cases.

Version 1.1.16

- Fixed issue where product layouts would conflict with new bundle product price calculation

Version 1.1.15

- Added option to override the "Stock" field of the product with the stock of the product in the bundle with the lowest available stock.

Version 1.1.14

- Add bundle purchase price calculation based on purchase prices of products inside the bundle

Version 1.1.13

- Now calculating weight of bundle product based on weight of products inside the bundle. 

- Price shown on product detail page of products inside the bundle now based on calculated price. Unfortunately it's not yet possible to included advanced prices in this price calculation

Version 1.1.12

- Backwards compatibility patch with v.

Version 1.1.11

- Made some adjustment to the stock inheritance system in order to improve the stock and availability determination

Version 1.1.10

- Added delivery time inheritance from the product with the longest delivery time

Version 1.1.9

- Added extra configuration option to select a price calculation mode for both bundle product and items within a bundle product 

- Added extra configuration option to set the price of all line items within a bundle product to 0.00.

Version 1.1.8

- Added option to activate stock management for products inside a bundle. 

- Added product number to bundle product select results to make identifying variants easier.

Version 1.1.7

- Fixed order of bundle line items in documents

Version 1.0.5

- Hotfix addressing error in checkout

Version 1.1.6

- Refactored bundle relation assignment resulting in a significant performance improvement.

- Improved UX of bundle product management in the administration

- Added configuration option to disable automatic recalculation of prices of products in a bundle.

Version 1.0.4

- Fixed order of bundle line items in documents

Version 1.1.5

- Added extra options for bundle item storefront presentation

- Fixed some small visualization issues

- Fixed errors in bundle line item price calculation

Version 1.1.3

- Fixed line item integrity constraint error when adding/editing an order with a bundle line item via the admin

- Fixed quantity validation error when adding/editing an order with a bundle line item containing a stock > 1

Version 1.1.2

- Added compatibility patch for cart recovery plugin 

- Fixed decimal precision issue occurring when cart is empty.

Version 1.1.1

- Fixed uninstall error

- Added reference version fields to avoid error during dal:schema:create command

- Improved available stock determination by including bundle item quantity in the equation

- Improved performance.

- Code refactor, removed dead code.

Version 1.0.3

- Improved performance.

- Order delivery positions created for cart child items.

- Moved bundle information from payload info to cart child items. 

- Code refactor, removed dead code.

Version 1.1.0

- Added compatibility for v6.4

Version 1.0.2

- Replaced getPayloadValue by hasPayloadValue to prevent an exception from being thrown in older Shopware versions

Version 1.0.1

- Fixed price calculation of bundle product child items

- Added better bundle item price insights in order details

- Improved styling of bundle product item grid on product detail page

- Fixed bug where "Show products in bundle on storefront" toggle would be hidden

- Fixed bug where bundle items would still be visible on order finish screen

- Fixed bug where bundle items would still be visible in account order details

- Fixed bug where the unit price of bundle item would be presented as "FREE:" in the account order details 

Version 1.0.0

- Initial release of plugin

About the Extension Partner

DizTech BV. DizTech BV. Shopware Premium Extension Partner Shopware Premium Extension Partner 55 Extensions 4.5 Ø Rating
Current version:


€ 36.95* /month
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This app starts with a free trial month. The rent can be canceled at any time on a monthly basis or will be automatically renewed at the indicated prices.

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