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LENZ eBusiness GmbH

plentyONE Connector für plentymarkets

Rating: 5.0

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

(4 reviews)
Downloads: <50



  • Consultation and demo possible before purchasing the app
  • Customer service available by phone
  • Easy data maintenance between plentyONE and Shopware +++ For agencies: Exchange group on the Connector in Microsoft Teams
  • Regular synchronisation of data +++ Status display of the sync progress in the Shopware admin area
  • Direct connection between plentyONE and Shopware +++ No plugin in plentyONE necessary


  • Transfer of all item data to Shopware
  • - Transfer of the article availabilities
  • - Transfer of the categories
  • - Transfer of the manufacturers
  • - Transfer of the tax rates
  • - Transfer of the properties
  • - Transfer of the units
  • - Transferring the article images
  • - Transfer of articles
  • Transfer of orders to plentymarkets
  • - Adjustable per payment type: Transfer of payments to plentymarkets
  • - Transfer of order status from plentymarkets to Shopware
  • Note: Multilingualism will be added with one of the next updates!
  • Customisable data transfer (item data and order data)

About the Extension

The plentyONE Connector synchronises important data between plentyONE and Shopware. The connector transfers article and category data from plentyONE to Shopware. From Shopware, the Connector transfers all data on orders to plentyONE. In this way, the data can be optimally maintained and is always up-to-date.
The item data that is transferred includes additional free text fields, item images, manufacturers and properties such as colour, size, weight etc. In Shopware, the plentyONE attributes (used to create the variant combinations in plentyONE) and the plentyONE properties (properties of the variants) are created as properties. Please note that only properties of the type "Select" are transferred. The properties of the type "date", "html", "text", "string", "empty", "float" and "int" are automatically created and filled as additional fields for the product.
For the order process, our connector automatically adjusts the order and payment status in plentyONE so that orders can be processed efficiently. For example, the order status "fully completed/completely shipped" of an order is transferred from Shopware to plentyONE by the connector and marked as shipped there. In the configuration of the connector, you can store different order statuses, payment statuses and dispatch statuses if you do not use the standard plentyONE statuses. In order for the statuses to be correctly assigned, the appropriate Plenty ID must be stored in an custom field in the respective shipping and payment type.
Optionally, you have the option in Shopware to store the plentyONE order referrer/market/sales channel ID in the sales channel. This means that articles to which this ID is assigned in plentyONE are only visible in this sales channel.

The data is synchronised between plentyONE and Shopware at regular intervals.


Stock sync only works if product sync is activated and the products have been transferred via our connector. The order sync works independently of the other synchronisations.


Plenty ID: Enter your plentyONE ID here.
Plenty URL: Enter here the Plenty URL of your plentyONE-WaWi.
Plenty username: Enter your plentyONE username here.
Plenty password: Enter your plentyONE password here.
Languages: Set the language of your default shop here.
Location ID: Store the location ID here. The connector uses the location ID to get the information for the required tax details and to store them. This is particularly important if several locations are stored in plentyONE.
Market ID: Set the Market ID of Shopware 6 here.
Retail price ID: The ID of the sales price must be entered here so that the connector can transfer the correct prices to Shopware.
Suggested retail price ID: The suggested retail price ID must be entered here so that the connector can transfer the correct prices to Shopware.
Use warehouse IDs für stocks: The storage of the warehouse ID is necessary so that the Connector transmits the warehouse stocks from the correct warehouse to Shopware.
Shopware parent category: Specify here which category is the parent category in your Shopware online shop. The categories from plentyONE are subordinated to this category and thus form your menu in the online shop.
Standard-Category CMS-page: Here you can store the desired layout for your category pages. This layout will be used automatically during the first synchronisation when the categories are created.
Sync orders from: If there are orders in the shop that are not to be transferred to plentyONE because they were transferred through another connector, you can set here from when the orders are transferred.If nothing is entered here, no orders will be transferred.

Order status restrictions: Optionally, you can specify at which order status the order should be transferred to plentyONE. 
Product sync active: Activate this option if this type of data matching is desired.
Stock sync active: Activate this option if this type of data matching is desired.
Order sync active: Activate this option if this type of data matching is desired.
Order status on creation of order inplentyONE: Here you can optionally define the status of unpaid orders and paid orders when creating them in plentyONE.
Order status (in Shopware ..., if status in plentyONE ...): Here you can optionally define the status for the order statuses "In progress", "Completed" and "Cancelled".
Payment status (in Shopware ..., if status in plentyONE ...): Here you can optionally define the status for the payment statuses "Reminded", "Cancelled" and "Refunded".
Shipping status (in Shopware ..., if status in plentyONE ...): Here you can optionally define the status for the shipping statuses "Shipping", "Cancelled" and "Returned".

Individual configuration

The connector is delivered with a standard configuration for various things (e.g. which status is set when in Shopware/plentyONE). This behaviour can be customised and can be ordered from us for a fee. Please arrange a free appointment with us to discuss your desired configuration.
Alternatively, you can make your own adjustments with our customisation plugin. Download: https://bitbucket.org/lenzebusiness/lenzplatformplentyconnectorcustomization/src/main/

Further information

General information
Our apps are developed on the basis of the standard functionalities of the basic Shopware 6 system. This applies to the functionalities and designs of the basic system. Individual themes cannot be taken into account when developing the app. It may therefore be necessary to make individual adjustments to the theme in order to display all elements/functionalities correctly.

We develop our apps with compatibility in mind. If compatibility cannot be guaranteed, we will note this in the app description. We cannot guarantee the compatibility of our apps with apps from other manufacturers. Due to the large number of apps offered in the Shopware Community Store, a compatibility check is not possible. Likewise, we cannot guarantee compatibility with Shopware apps that are not included in the Community Edition.

We will check whether the specified error is caused by our apps or has another cause. Depending on the result of the investigation, we will inform you whether the rectification is chargeable or not. If independent changes have been made to our apps, the work involved will be invoiced. 

Test version
You can easily test all apps available in the Shopware Community Store from LENZ eBusiness. Choose the rental version of the app. The rental version always includes a trial month with which you can test our app free of charge for 30 days. Please take advantage of the trial month to make sure that the app meets your requirements.

Individual customizations
We make individual customizations to our apps. Send us an email to support@lenz-ebusiness.de with your contact details and your customization request. We will discuss your customization request with our team and then get back to you.


  • Available: English, German
  • Latest update: 5 March 2025
  • Publication date: 26 July 2022
  • Version: 6.0.12
  • Category: ERP


Reviews (4)

Average rating

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Based on 4 reviews
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support

100 %
0 %
0 %
0 %
0 %

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Prima Connector zu Plentymarkets, 1A Support!!

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Tobias Muhmann
17 December 2024 09:34
Der Connector läuft wird super und stabil. Vor allem der Support ist top!
Wir hatten ein paar Fragen, alles wurde sofort beantwortet.
Klare Empfehlung!!
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
Ein absoluter Game-Changer für unseren Online-Shop

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Kauartikel.com GmbH
16 September 2024 17:22
Als Firma Kauartikel.com GmbH sind wir begeistert von der Shopware-Erweiterung plentymarkets Connector von LENZ eBusiness GmbH! Die Integration dieser Erweiterung in unseren Online-Shop, der auf Shopware basiert, war ein absoluter Game-Changer für unser Geschäft.

Der plentymarkets Connector ermöglicht es uns, Shopware-Online-Shop mit der cloudbasierten E-Commerce-Plattform Plentymarkets samt Warenwirtschaft und Auftragsverarbeitung sowie Übertragung an das Fulfillment-Center nahtlos zu verbinden. Die Benutzeroberfläche ist intuitiv und benutzerfreundlich, was die Einrichtung und Verwaltung erheblich erleichtert. Wir schätzen die Effizienz, die dieser Connector in unsere täglichen Abläufe bringt, und die Möglichkeit, unsere Prozesse zu automatisieren.

Besonders hervorzuheben ist der hervorragende Support von LENZ eBusiness GmbH. Bei Fragen oder Anliegen stehen sie uns stets zur Seite und bieten schnelle und kompetente Hilfe. Das gibt uns das Vertrauen, dass wir mit dieser Lösung langfristig gut aufgestellt sind.

Insgesamt können wir den plentymarkets Connector nur wärmstens empfehlen! Er hat unsere Arbeitsweise revolutioniert und trägt maßgeblich zu unserem Erfolg bei. Vielen Dank an LENZ eBusiness GmbH für diese großartige Erweiterung!

Mit besten Grüßen
Kauartikel.com GmbH
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
Flexibles Plug-In, einfach zu customizen und TOP SUPPORT!

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Kristina Bründt
26 February 2024 15:58
Wir haben uns recht knapp vor unserem Launch für den plentymarkets connector entschieden. Zuvor waren wir auf Grund der geringen Bewertungen des Plug-Ins skeptisch, zumal wir nicht den kompletten Funktionsumfang des Plug-Ins nutzen wollen.

Alles war absolut unbegründet: Wir konnten das Plug-In in kurzer Zeit so einrichten, dass auch nur bestimmte Features genutzt werden und unsere individuellen Plenty Einstellungen pflegen. Dabei war der LENZ Support eine großartige Unterstützung, denn Rückfragen wurden in kürzester Responsezeit kompetent beantwortet und kleine Anpassungen sofort umgesetzt. Persönliche Ansprechpartner standen telefonisch und per Mail mit Rat und Tat zur Seite - ein absoluter Premium Kundenservice.

Auch wenn das Plug-in nicht das günstigste ist, ist es uns den Preis auf Grund der einfachen Implementierung und dem top Service wert. Absolute Empfehlung!
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
Zuverlässiger Connector

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

9 August 2022 22:34
Wir sind in letzter Minute von einem anderen Anbieter auf den Lenz Connector umgestiegen bzw. mussten dies gezwungener Maßen, da der vorherige Connector extrem problembehaftet war und der Support absolut mangelhaft. Diese Entscheidung haben wir keine Sekunde bereut. Der Connector läuft stabil ohne Übertragungsprobleme und ist vom Handling her super.
Der gesamte Einrichtungsprozess war unkompliziert und wir sind extrem gut vom Lenz Team betreut worden.
Alle nötigen Anpassungen wurden schnell umgesetzt. Bei Problemen oder Unklarheiten wurde sofort lösungsorientiert daran gearbeitet, diese zu lösen.
Allgemein gibt der Connector viel Spielraum, um individuelle Anpassungen vorzunehmen.
Vom Support her ist Lenz eines der besten IT-Unternehmen, mit denen wir je zusammen gearbeitet haben. Wir haben hier sofort einen Ansprechpartner gehabt, der sich ebenfalls sofort um unser Anliegen gekümmert hat. Auf Notfälle wurde in der Regel in unter 4 Stunden reagiert und eine Lösung angeboten. Der Mitarbeiter, der uns unterstützt hat, war immer hilfreich, interessiert und zielorientiert.
Jeder Cent ist hier bestens investiert. Wir würden uns jederzeit wieder für Lenz entscheiden.
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support

About the Extension Partner

LENZ eBusiness GmbH

LENZ eBusiness GmbH

Partner Status

  • Shopware Bronze Partner Shopware
    Bronze Partner
  • Shopware Premium Extension Partner Shopware
    Premium Extension Partner


  • Ø-Rating: 4.9

    Average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars

  • Partner since: 2014
  • Extensions: 94


  • Based in: Germany
  • Speaks: German, English
  • Response time: Very quickly