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CMS Powerpack

Rating: 4.5

Average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars

(4 reviews)
Downloads: 1,225



  • Very extensive collection of CMS blocks and elements.
  • Flexible CTA/button element based on CSS flexbox
  • Elements/sections can be shown / hidden on a time-controlled basis
  • Maintain content in store header/footer
  • Use snippets in articles + categories


  • New: completely reworked CTA/button element
  • New: Action card (flip/unhide/blur/popup effects)
  • New: Before/after image comparison/slider
  • New: Animated counter
  • New: Shopware data mapping support for category pages
  • Use rules to show elements
  • Grids / column layouts
  • reworked CTA/button element based on CSS flexbox
  • Testimonial element, Alert element
  • Tab element, Chordion element
  • Google Map element, Countdown element
  • HTML/CSS element
  • Responsive design: turn elements and sections on or off in different device resolutions, background color gradients for CMS elements
  • Include CMS page in store header and/or footer as well as order summary
  • Use snippets + Twig expressions in articles + categories

About the Extension

This app adds numerous new blocks and elements to the shopping experience - the Swiss Army Knife for the CMS!

Numerous CMS blocks | Use CMS elements in header/footer | use snippets in articles and categories

Why install many different apps for shopping experiences? This all-in-one app offers the following new design elements for the shopping worlds in one package:

We have greatly revised and expanded the PowerPack. As of version 1.2.0, the following new elements are available:

  • New: the CTA Flex element has been fundamentally redeveloped and is now based on the well-known and flexible CSS Flexbox technology. With many configuration options, all kinds of buttons and call-to-action banners can be created with this element in no time at all. Of course, images can also be integrated.
  • New: the new action card element offers effects such as flip, reveal, blur and also a pop-up mode. It is ideal for making your shop customers curious about further information and encouraging them to interact.
  • New: the image comparison slider offers your users the possibility to cross-fade two images using a slider. This way, before and after comparisons can be presented in an intuitive and emotional way.
  • New: the animated counter counts from a start number to a final value. The animation is only started when the counter comes into view by scrolling the page.
  • New: all elements where this makes sense now support Shopware data mapping (text and image) for category pages. This means that even more dynamic buttons and information can be created!
  • New: background colour gradients can be defined for each shopping world element (i.e. also the Shopware standard elements). 
  • Publish blocks time controlled

Discover the possibilities on our https://sw6demo.netzperfekt.de/en/Plugin-Demo/CMS-PowerPack/ for the plugin!

  • Grid/columns: different column combinations for a clearer design of the CMS pages
  • Call-to-action (CTA) / Button element: Very versatile design of attractive buttons/CTA elements with title, text, button, image and optional background image. Many configuration possibilities!
  • Alert: Display of short notes.
  • Testimonial: Customer voices and quotes quickly designed.
  • Tab: up to 20 tabs can be integrated with HTML content at lightning speed.
  • Accordion element with also up to 20 entries
  • HTML / CSS: insert free HTML/CSS code
  • Google Maps: insert a map element and set a location
  • Countdown: build a timer for promotions.

A corresponding block is available for each CMS element, which greatly simplifies insertion into the shopping world. Of course, existing blocks can be exchanged with the new elements at any time.

Furthermore, any CMS layout can optionally be used as header and/or footer for the shop. Thus, notes or messages in the header and additional information in the footer can be implemented for the entire shop in a snap.

Snippets (and other Twig expressions) can be used in articles (name + description) as well as categories (description only). This way, recurring description texts can be changed easily at a central place! 

Furthermore, any CMS layout can optionally be used as a header and/or in the footer. This makes it possible to implement notices, messages in the header and binders/additional information in the footer for the entire shop in a flash.

Snippets (and other Twig expressions) can be used in articles (name + description) and categories (description only). This way, recurring description texts can be easily changed in one central place!  

Discover the possibilities on our https://sw6demo.netzperfekt.de/en/Plugin-Demo/CMS-PowerPack/ for the plugin! 

Please note:please test the app in detail with the free 30-day trial version before purchasing. 

If the app does not completely meet your expectations, you are welcome to https://plugins.netzperfekt.de/support for further development. However, we cannot always guarantee implementation - in this case, please refrain from purchasing the app.


  • Available: English, German
  • Latest update: 5 March 2025
  • Publication date: 17 April 2020
  • Version: 3.0.2
  • Category: Shopping Experiences


Reviews (4)

Average rating

Average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars

Based on 4 reviews
4.5 Functionality
4.5 Usability
4.5 Documentation
4.5 Support

75 %
0 %
25 %
0 %
0 %

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Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Anja J.
4 May 2022 11:12
Als Shopware Neuling wollte ich einfach nur zwei Kategorien nebeneinander stellen. Mit den Bordmitteln bin ich da nicht weiter gekommen. Mit den unterschiedlichen Layouts des Plugins konnte ich das prima lösen, dankeschön! Auch der Support war schnell & freundlich und hat mir bei einer Frage weitergeholfen.
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
Sehr hilfreich.

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Jan J.
2 May 2022 13:40
Danke für das prima Plugin! Damit habe ich jetzt viel mehr Möglichkeiten, individuelle Einkaufswelten umzusetzen. Das letzte Update bietet noch mal mehr tolle Elemente.
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
Gute Idee...

Average rating of 3 out of 5 stars

by Sven Rösner
30 March 2022 00:53
… Aber noch sehr ausbaufähig und etwas Buggy. Der Preis ist einfach zu hoch für diese Qualität.
3.0 Functionality
3.0 Usability
3.0 Documentation
3.0 Support
by netzperfekt 30 March 2022 15:15
Hallo Herr Rösner,

danke für Ihre Rückmeldung. Preis-Einschätzungen sind natürlich immer sehr individuell, aber ich kann nicht nachvollziehen, was Sie mit "buggy" meinen. Das Plugin wurde über 650mal heruntergeladen und ist vielfach im Einsatz; bisher wurden uns keinerlei Probleme gemeldet. In jedem Fall sind wir natürlich an einer Verbesserung interessiert und arbeiten sowieso gerade an einer Vielzahl von neuen Funktionen für das PowerPack.
Vielleicht haben Sie Lust, uns unter info@netzperfekt.de noch eine differenzierter Rückmeldung zu geben?

Viele Grüße
Nils Ehnert
Tolles Plugin - Super Support!

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Benjamin Beloch
14 July 2020 17:53
Wir haben das Plugin gekauft um ein paar weitere Inhaltselemente nutzen zu können.
Als wir vor ein paar Wochen das ThemeWare Theme dazu gekauft haben, gab es ein paar "Inkompatibilitäten" zwischen dem Plugin und dem Theme, hierzu habe ich das Support Formular bei netzperfekt ausgefüllt und selbst auf einem Sonntag noch ein Feedback inkl. einer neuen Version erhalten, die den "Fehler" behoben hat.

Ich bin also insgesamt super zufrieden! Wir können unseren Shop mit weiteren Elementen aus dem Powerpack befüllen und haben selbst bei einem kleinen Problem einen erstklassigen Support erhalten!

Absolute Kaufempfehlung!
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
by netzperfekt 15 July 2020 15:30
Herzlichen Dank!

About the Extension Partner

Partner Status

  • Shopware Extension Partner Shopware
    Extension Partner


  • Ø-Rating: 4.8

    Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars

  • Partner since: 2014
  • Extensions: 46


  • Based in: Germany
  • Speaks: German, English
  • Response time: Quickly