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neonlines GmbH

Show properties & characteristics as a badge in the listing

Rating: 4.0

Average rating of 4 out of 5 stars

(1 reviews)
Downloads: <50



  • Simple configuration in the property level
  • Optional display of the characteristics (values)
  • Optional display of the name of the property group
  • Individual colours &amp; CSS
  • Icons configurable


  • Display properties / characteristics in the listing in a sales-promoting way as badges
  • Badge: change font color
  • Show badge icon
  • Customize badge styling individually via CSS
  • Show properties group name
  • Multiple characteristics are displayed comma-separated

About the Extension

Offer your customers the possibility to recognise relevant properties of your products already in the listing. At the property level, badges can be conveniently issued for all articles to which the corresponding property applies. This means that you only have to configure once for each property.

In addition, you have the choice of whether only the characteristic (value) is to be displayed in the badge or also the designation of the characteristic. E.g. colour: red

Further options are individual CSS, icons, colour configuration (font colour, frame colour, background colour, icon colour).


  • Available: English, German
  • Latest update: 18 September 2024
  • Publication date: 19 April 2022
  • Version: 1.1.0
  • Category: Menu + category


Reviews (1)

Average rating

Average rating of 4 out of 5 stars

Based on 1 reviews
4.0 Functionality
4.0 Usability
4.0 Documentation
4.0 Support

0 %
100 %
0 %
0 %
0 %

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Die Erweiterung macht das was sie soll und das sehr gut!

Average rating of 4 out of 5 stars

by Christian Voss
24 June 2022 18:28
Die Erweiterung funtkioniert und macht genau das was sie soll, nämlich im Kategorie-Produktelisting die Badges anhand der Eigenschaften anzeigen.

3 Feature-Requests hätte ich allerdings:
- Eine Option, um die jeweiligen Badges auch auf der Detailseite auf dem Produktbild anzuzeigen
- Grundsätzlich denke ich sollten die Badges in jedem Listing angezeigt werden (also auch in Produkteslider usw.)
- Wenn man noch die Positionierung festlegen könnte (oben, oben mitte, oben rechts usw.) wäre es noch besser.

Vielen lieben Dank!
4.0 Functionality
4.0 Usability
4.0 Documentation
4.0 Support

About the Extension Partner

neonlines GmbH

neonlines GmbH

See all extensions:

Partner Status

Shopware Premium Extension Partner
Premium Extension Partner


  • Rating: 4.9

    Average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars

  • Partner since: 2016
  • Extensions: 28
  • Country: Germany


  • Support languages: German, English
  • Support response time: Very quickly