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Blog Premium Cloud



  • The premium blog for Shopware 6 now also for the cloud
  • With image gallery and additional content
  • Free design of the blog detail page
  • Timed postings and multilingualism
  • Full SEO support, RSS feed, rich snippets


  • Blog component for Shopware 6 (cloud) with different layouts + slider.
  • Image gallery and other additional content for recipes, tutorials, test reports etc.
  • Category, author, tags
  • Assignment of products, display of blog posts in the product tab
  • Element for shopping experience (blog overview) and individual detail page
  • Full SEO support (URL, Meta Title + Description)

About the Extension

For content marketing, announcements and all kinds of news, a blog is indispensable. 

This comprehensive app provides the missing blog component in Shopware 6 also as a cloud app. Any number of blog posts can be created in the backend, and multilingualism is of course supported. The blog can be integrated into any shopping experience layouts via a block. The highlight: the blog detail page can be freely designed via a CMS page.

A blog article consists of title, an (optional) teaser, the content as well as an image and optionally an additional preview image. Furthermore, blog posts can be time-controlled (from - to) and SEO is also thought of (URL of the blog post, SEO title and SEO description). The SEO urls can be freely defined via the Shopware mechanisms. 

Blog posts can be assigned to a category as well as any number of tags, furthermore an author can be assigned.

A blog post can contain additional content, such as recipes, (craft) instructions or test reports.

An image gallery is also available - any number of images from the media management can be assigned to a blog post and displayed as a lightbox gallery - of course responsive and with video support!

Products can be assigned to a blog post and displayed in the detail view in the slider. Three different layouts (small / large image + slider) are available for the display in the overview list as well as in the detail view.

An RSS feed and rich snippets have also been considered: these are output in the form of JSON-LD on the blog detail page - perfect for search engines, of course the Shopware sitemap is also filled with the blog posts and blog posts can also be found in the administration via the global backend search.


  • Available: English, German
  • Category: Blog

About the Extension Partner



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Partner Status

Shopware Extension Partner
Extension Partner


  • Rating: 4.7

    Average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars

  • Partner since: 2014
  • Extensions: 54
  • Country: Germany


  • Support languages: German, English
  • Support response time: Very quickly