Ready This is a theme especially developed for Shopware 6
ThemeWare® Bike Pro | sales increasing and customizable

ThemeWare® Bike Pro | sales increasing and customizable

by TC-Innovations GmbH no ratings yet 151 Downloads
Recommended by Shopware
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This theme cannot be used in a Shopware Cloud shop.
This theme is available for Shopware 5
This Extension Partner responds very quickly to support requests
  • tcinn90711156640m
  • TC-Innovations GmbH
  • 3.1.4
  • 7 Jun 2024
  • de_DE en_GB
  • – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
ThemeWare® is a revenue-generating, extremely customizable and SEO and Pagespeed optimized... more

Product information


  • Sales increasing - intensive sales promotion + Mobile, SEO & Pagespeed optimised + online courses for more orders
  • Professional appearance - professional Shopping Experience with 1-click installation + all graphics as PSD files + no programming skills needed
  • Unlimited customization - over 1210 configurations + 41 popular plugins included + 15 pre-built ThemeWare® variants
  • Customers love us - excellent support from developers + comprehensive video tutorials + over 700 instructions + most popular extension partner
  • Satisfaction guaranteed - try ThemeWare® & all extras free of charge for 30 days + 7 years highest compatibility + over 250 updates


  • ThemeWare® Pro Edition - Expert features, prioritized updates, developer support and CMS Collection worth €299 already included
  • Sales promotion - Many elements and functions have been implemented to optimize conversion rates
  • 41 popular plugins included - In our theme 41 extremely popular and useful plugins are already included in the value of €2354
  • SEO and Pagespeed-optimized - ThemeWare® is already optimized for search engines, you will learn the rest in the corresponding online course
  • Professional world of experience included - Professional world of experience with storytelling elements and precise instructions worth €199 included
  • Open PSD files included - All design elements included in the theme are provided as PSD files for your use
  • Optimized mobile version - To create a special shopping experience on the mobile phone the theme offers many special features and finesses
  • Checkout header and footer - Optimized header and footer versions for the checkout - this reduces the number of abandoned purchases
  • Unlimited customization - With 1200 settings, you can customize ThemeWare® both in terms of color and function
  • 3x online courses included - topics: SEO & Pagespeed, sales promotion and graphic design for beginners worth €337
  • Instructions & Video-Tutorials - You will find a lightning-fast introduction and get step by step to a successful shop design
  • Header- and Footer-Designs - Choose from different Header- and Footer-Designs with countless configuration possibilities
  • Market leader since 2017 - ThemeWare® is the market-leading commercial shopware theme with over 20000 installations
  • Custom fields - For product specifications and videos on the item page, hover image in the product box and experience world header for categories
  • Constant updates guaranteed - Benefit from continuous innovation and adaptation to the latest market requirements for your online success


ThemeWare® is a revenue-generating, extremely customizable and SEO and Pagespeed optimized Shopware theme, which also offers you a wide range of features. In addition, you get detailed instructions and video tutorials, a professional experience world with all graphics as well as online courses with special knowledge.

Open the official product description of ThemeWare® (German) to find out more details.

ThemeWare® Bike Pro Edition

You are in the ThemeWare® Bike Pro Edition. The Pro Edition offers you the full range of functions, unlimited customisation options (even at template level), regular prioritised updates and our excellent user and developer support. The Pro Edition is suitable for both beginners as well as professionals and agencies.

Plugins and extras worth 3605,- € included

that which, in addition to a grandiose theme, is the key to success
Our Shopware Theme includes the functionality of 41 very popular plugins already as an included tool. You will also receive selected extras that will take you and the success of your online shop to a whole new level. Annoying additional purchases and subsequent adjustments are thus eliminated and you save 3605,- € and a lot of time.

Included extras

  • Professional experience world with graphics and storytelling elements (unit price: 199,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Online course: SEO and Pagespeed with Shopware Themes (unit price: 129,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Online course: Increasing conversion rates through shop design (unit price: 129,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Online course: graphic design for beginners (price per unit: 69,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Gift: a surprise for you(unit price: priceless | included here free of charge)

Included plugin functions

  • Custom header (unit price: 66,- € | included here free of charg)
  • Search layouts (unit price: 29,- € | included here free of charg)
  • Large customizable footer (unit price: 65,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Subcategories in the category listing (unit price: 49,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Customisable shop logo (Unit price: 59,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Text logo (unit price: 30,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Discount badge text variants (Unit price: 39,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Background image (unit price: 60,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Theme fonts (unit price: 66,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Google WebFonts (unit price: 66,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Lazy Loading (unit price: 48,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Social media integration (unit price: 39,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Home icon (unit price: 10,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Scrolling animations in the Shopping Experience (unit price: 120,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Hover effects in the Shopping Experience (unit price: 10,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Shipping method logos (unit price: 25,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Payment method logos (unit price: 25,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Benefits top and footer bar (unit price: 25,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Floating widget (unit price: 59,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Sidebar widgets (unit price: 79,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Sticky header (unit price: 39,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Sticky sidebar (unit price: 59,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Filter in categories permanently open (unit price: 29,- € | included here free of charge | will follow shortly)
  • Weaken sold out products (unit price: 49,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Info text on the product page and in checkout (unit price: 9,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Badges for stock and sold out products (unit price: 29,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Subshop tab navigation (Unit price: 25,- € | included here free of charge | will follow shortly)
  • CSS expert configuration (unit price: 19,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Product specifications (EAN, sizes, etc.) on the product page (unit price: 60,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Stock with configuration of thresholds (unit price: 29,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Product Labels & Badges with configuration of colors (Unit price: 39,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Announcement banner in the header (unit price: 15,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Product properties as a separate tab (unit price: 47,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Listing layout (unit price: 42,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Product box hover effects in product listing (unit price: 60,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Custom fields for product specifications on the product page (unit price: 19,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Manufacturer tab on the product page (unit price: 47,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Videos (e.g. YouTube and Vimeo) as a tab on the product page (unit price: 39,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Individual CSS code (unit price: 36,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Individual JavaScript code (unit price: 36,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Floating social media icons (unit price: 25,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Checkout with checkout steps (unit price: 100,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Newsletter subscription in footer (unit price: 89,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Hover image in product listing (unit price: 59,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Additional tabs on the product page (unit price: 79,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Product short description in the product listing and the product page (unit price: 39,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Product benefits (unit price: 71,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Number of products per row in the listing (unit price: 66,- € | included here free of charge)
  • Manufacturer in product listing (unit price: 15,- € | included here free of charge)
  • CMS Hero (Image-Text) slider (unit price: 120,- € | included here free of charge)
  • CMS Banner & Teaser (unit price: 120,- € | included here free of charge)
  • CMS Breadcrumb (unit price: 96,- € | included here free of charge)
  • CMS columns (unit price: 58,- € | included here free of charge)
  • CMS grids (unit price: 100,- € | included here free of charge)
  • CMS Code Element (unit price: 30,- € | included here free of charge)
  • CMS Countdown banner for sales (unit price: 72,- € | included here free of charge)
  • CMS Subcategories for Shopping Experiences (unit price: 59,- € | included here free of charge)
  • CMS Subcategory navigation (unit price: 58,- € | included here free of charge)
  • CMS Testimonials (unit price: 45,- € | included here free of charge)

Grandiose design

Visually perfect and functionally well thought out
With our Shopware Theme you can design your shop professionally and increase sales. You will not only get a grandiosely designed theme, but also a professional world of experience and all related graphics.

Our customers love us

We have more than 500 real 5-star ratings and are the most popular and best-rated Shopware Extension Partner. We would be happy to adapt ThemeWare® individually to your needs! The easiest way to contact us is via our Service Portal. We are known for our excellent service. Test us!

Graphical adaptability

Unlimited color adjustments at the push of a button
With just a few colour settings, you can adapt the theme in the shortest possible time to your desired design, as we have built an intelligent inheritance system into ThemeWare® for this purpose. If you have very special wishes, there are uncountable customizable color values and settings at your disposal.


Possibilities that leave nothing to be desired
Our theme offers a total of over 1210 configuration options that leave nothing to be desired. Each configuration is already optimal preset so you only need to change what is necessary for your needs.

  • Extremely comprehensive color matching
  • Storefront and domain compatible | individual body classes
  • Wide-, boxed- and fullwidth layout | widths, distances, frames, roundings, background image configurable
  • Google WebFonts and own fonts | local integration possible
  • Additional CSS classes of the world of experience | Various mouseover effects, individual CMS elements and CMS optimizations
  • Individual basic settings | colours, spacing, font, hint colours, badges, sections, blocks, tables, overlays
  • Header settings | Different display variants, Image logo configurable, Colors, Background image, Height, Spacing, Alignment, Frame, Icons and text configurable, Icons without text, Transparent header and header position, My account dropdown, Display and display type of search, Display service menu as list, Mobile header configurable
  • Navigation settings | Hamburger menu or show as list, Home icon configurable, colors, spacing, alignment, font, different mouseover effects, additional top navigation flyout configurations of colors, typography, width and category button
  • Sticky Navigation | fixed when scrolling down or up, scroll depth, show hamburger navigation or list, logo configurable, show search and shopping cart, colors, height, spacing, text alignment
  • Experience world header (header position) | colors and logo configurable for the start page
  • Footer settings | countless display options, columns, colors, heights, spacing, borders, alignments, typography, background image, areas (upper, middle, lower), widget elements configurable, minimal footer (in the order process)
  • widgets | additional configurations and positioning of elements About us, footer navigation, payment methods, shipping methods, payment and shipping methods, communities (social media), benefits, store, awards, newsletter
  • USP-Bar | colors, icons, text, font, 1-6 USPS configurable (depending on viewport), position in header and footer with small or large icons
  • Offcanvas shopping cart | Shipping costs, coupon field and shopping cart button
  • Scroll-Top Button | Color Configuration
  • Cookie hint | color configuration, distances, width, drop shadow, position selectable
  • Announcement banner | colours, frames, font size, text, link and display selectable
  • Breadcrumbs | color configuration, spacing, height, width, display selectable
  • World of Experience | Colors, spacing, hover effects and additional elements per css class, extended configuration for the Shopware CMS block Two columns, centered image & text, product filter and product box
  • Category listing | color configuration of the category navigation, additional configuration of the product box with display type, hover effect, text alignment, position (article rating), show product no., show action button as well as article image hover effect, height, image size, image alignment and image background color for transparent images
  • Article Page | Color Configuration, Show Breadcrumbs, Article Slider Image Size and Alignment, Thumbnails Position, Image Size and Alignment, Display of basic information like Manufacturer, Manufacturer No., EAN, Weight, Length, Width, Height, Minimum and Maximum Order Quantity, Tabs Display Type and Article Properties as Tab, Stock Label
  • Checkout | optimized header and footer with individual color configuration
  • Social Media Integration | Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, Pinterest, TikTok, Blogger, Blog (WordPress), WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Website
  • Product badges | discount badge, stock badge and sell-out badge configurable
  • Compatibility (HC-Architecture®) | Due to this architecture, ThemeWare® is highly compatible with almost all shopware plug-ins from the ground up. If an incompatibility does occur, however, you can resolve it yourself with just a few clicks by simply switching off the relevant function area and thereby setting yourself to the shopware standard.
  • Custom fields | Product specifications, hover images, YouTube & Vimeo videos, individual CSS classes

Excellent support

If you have any questions, our popular TC Service Portal is at your disposal around the clock. Here you will find answers to almost every question and solutions for almost every problem. If you need our support, you can open a ticket directly via this form to receive quick help from our ThemeWare® experts.

Shopware 5, Shopware 6, Self-Hosted, Cloud

ThemeWare® is available for you in all versions
It doesn't matter which Shopware version you choose or whether you switch in the future. ThemeWare® is available to you in every Shopware version. A decision in favour of ThemeWare® is always future-proof!

Lightning-fast start

Comprehensive instructions, video tutorials and helpful tools
If you want to try ThemeWare®, we will guide you from the first second with clear step-by-step instructions and video tutorials. Until your online store is ready. In addition, you will then learn in our online courses how to make your store more and more successful. In addition, helpful tools, such as the ThemeWare® field search engine, are available to you, so that you can always find the configuration field you want you need.

→ First steps with ThemeWare® ←

Knowledge makes success

Several online courses worth 337,- € included free of charge
Since we really care about your success, we have much more than just a great theme. We have created online courses for you on the most important topics that will make you and your online shop more successful. And the special thing is that we give you the online courses as a gift when you use ThemeWare® - even in the free test phase.

The following online courses are included:

  • SEO and Pagespeed with Shopware Themes (instead of 129,- € free of charge included)
  • Increase conversion rates through the shop design (instead of 129,- € included free of charge)
  • Graphic design for beginners (instead of 69,- € included free of charge)

You can access the online courses via the ThemeWare® Utilities.

Bye competition

To always be one step ahead of the others
There is no absolute right or wrong on the Internet. In reality, it is a better or worse relative to the competition. For this reason, with ThemeWare® you not only get what we believe to be the best shopware theme, but also a professional experience world and all the necessary graphics. In addition, in the further development of ThemeWare® we constantly focus on giving you exactly those advantages that make you better than your competitors. In addition, our video tutorials and online courses provide you with the knowledge you need.

Our mission

The best for your continued success
Why we do not simply offer a Shopware theme? Because we'd get bored. We love the success of ThemeWare®, because it comes from making people like you and your shop successful with our work. That is the real reason why we are obsessed with making ThemeWare® better and better all the time. That's the real reason why we additionally produce a really good experience for you, why we create numerous video tutorials and online courses for you and give them to you as a gift. In the last few years we have discovered the following formula for ourselves: Your success = Theme + Material + Knowledge + Stay tuned

And the great thing is that it works for you, whether you are a beginner, professional, entrepreneur, agency, freelancer or service provider. How do we know that for sure? We started out as beginners ourselves, then we were freelancers and today we are entrepreneurs, agencies and service providers ;-)

Complete package for successful shop design

The advantages in a nutshell
ThemeWare® is the revenue increasing, customizable and optimized shopware theme with countless functions. In addition, you will receive instructions, online courses and expert support to maximize your success and especially in the long run.

  • Sales promotion - Many elements and functions have been implemented to optimize conversion rates in a targeted manner
  • 41 popular plugins included - In our theme 41 extremely popular and useful plugins are already included in the value of 3079,- € already included
  • SEO and Pagespeed-optimized - ThemeWare® is already optimized for search engines, you will learn the rest in the corresponding online course
  • Professional experience world included - Professional experience world with storytelling elements and precise instructions worth 199,- € included
  • Open PSD files included - All design elements included in the theme are provided as PSD files for your use
  • Optimized mobile version - To create a special shopping experience on the mobile phone, the theme offers many special features and finesses
  • Checkout header and footer - Optimized header and footer versions for the checkout - this reduces the number of abandoned purchases
  • Unrestricted customization - With 1210 settings, you can customize ThemeWare® both in terms of color and function with great precision
  • 3x online courses included - topics: SEO & Pagespeed, sales promotion and graphic design for beginners worth 337,- €
  • Instructions & video tutorials - you will find a lightning-fast introduction and get to the successful shop design step by step
  • Header and Footer Designs - Choose from different Header and Footer Designs with countless configuration possibilities
  • Market leader since 2017 - With over 20000 installations, ThemeWare® is the market-leading commercial shopware theme
  • Constant updates guaranteed - Benefit from continuous innovation and adaptation to the latest market requirements for your online success

Our Shopware Theme makes it possible

More time for the important things in life
With ThemeWare® you save a lot of time and worry, because the theme is already perfectly preconfigured and you also get everything you need: concrete instructions, templates, a ready-made world of experience and helpful online courses. If there is a problem, you can find the solution in our service portal or open a support ticket to get lightning-fast support from our experts. So you have more time and a free head for your family and what you really enjoy.

For beginners

We will lead you step by step to success. For the successful use of ThemeWare® you need no previous knowledge, because all settings are already optimally preset and you receive the necessary basic and specialist knowledge as a ThemeWare® component from us. The clear step-by-step instructions and detailed video tutorials explain from the very first minute exactly what you need to do to make your shop look professional and get started quickly. In the online courses you will learn how to improve the success of your shop in terms of sales promotion, conversion rates, SEO and Pagespeed.

For professionals

A limitless theme for the highest demands
ThemeWare® was developed specifically for professional use. Thanks to the comprehensive setting options, almost every wish can be implemented directly with the product standard. Nevertheless customising at template level is possible at any time. Our instructions and tutorials as well as a perfectly commented and logically structured source code support you in this. In addition, you will soon be able to use the ThemeWare® GIT Repository and you can send us pull requests. ThemeWare® also supports the storefront:hot-proxy command in the developer console.


For enterprise

Revenue-generating, independent and market-leading
ThemeWare® was designed in such a way that it can be ideally adapted to the corporate design using the on-board tools in order to represent companies and brands convincingly. At the same time, the theme can be adapted to complex requirements and can be extended to meet any need. Another advantage is that ThemeWare® never creates a dependency on individual agencies or employees. If necessary, we or our agency partners can be our agency partners at any time. Experience has shown that it only takes a few hours to train a new employee or agency.

For agencies

Turn professional shops into reality faster
ThemeWare® enables you as an agency to implement professional and individual shop designs in a much shorter time. Even with particularly complex requirements and high standards, ThemeWare® is often the right choice for professionals and companies. is often the right decision for professionals and companies. Another special feature is that within the framework of our partner and agency programme you receive special conditions, support, Insides and exclusive opportunities.


Limitlessly expandable with Bootstrap

Based on the world's most popular frontend CSS framework
ThemeWare®, like the entire Shopware 6 storefront, is based on Bootstrap - the world's most popular and extremely powerful open source toolkit for web interfaces.

This enables you or any web designer around the world to extend or customise your shop with ThemeWare® without limits, quickly and cost-effectively. Compatibility is guaranteed both by the Bootstrap standards and by our specially developed HC Architecture®.

With this globally recognised industry standard, customisations no longer require a long learning curve. See the most important of the common Bootstrap examples directly in ThemeWare®. Further instructions can be found in our Knowledge Base.

Explore the ThemeWare® variety

Rent a theme and still use them all
If you decide on ThemeWare®, you can use all ThemeWare® variants. How? It's easy: Subscribe to ThemeWare® as a trial version for 30 days and transfer the theme configuration to a new child theme of your theme.

All ThemeWare® variants at a glance: Modern, Clean, Outdoor, Strong, Living, Bio, Exquisite, Bath, Fit, Kids, Lights, Electric, Global, Bike, Plants

Partner and agency programme

Would you like to use ThemeWare® for your customers?
ThemeWare® and our excellent support have been particularly popular with agencies, freelancers and service providers right from the start. We are proud that we now have over 550 partners who regularly use ThemeWare® in their customer projects. With our partner and agency program we offer you special conditions, support, insides and exclusive opportunities.

→ Become a partner now ←

Future-proof and always better

Constant further development with the highest standards
With ThemeWare® you make the best decision for the future of your shop. ThemeWare® has been the undisputed market leader since 2017, has over 20000 installations and is best rated with over 500 genuine 5-star ratings. Another special feature is that agencies rely on ThemeWare® via 550. This gives you the security that you will always find someone who can help you quickly when you are using ThemeWare®. The fact that you can trust us also shows that we have successfully mastered the big version leap from Shopware 5 to Shopware 6. All the positive and also negative experiences of the last few years have been incorporated into the new development and have made ThemeWare® for Shopware 6 the best theme that we have ever had.

Regular updates guaranteed

Every week, the best version of himself
With ThemeWare® you get regular updates so your online shop is always up to date. In this way you take advantage of technological change and constantly changing requirements in terms of design, product presentation, online marketing and much more. for your own good, because you're one step ahead of the competition.

Highest compatibility and availability

Thanks to the specially developed HC-Architecture®
So that your online shop never stands still, we have implemented the specially developed and proven HC-Architecture® (High Compatibility Architecture) in ThemeWare®. Because of this architecture, ThemeWare® is highly compatible with almost all shopware plug-ins. If an incompatibility does occur, you can solve it yourself with just a few clicks by simply switching off the respective functional area and thereby setting it to the Shopware standard. In this case you can find instructions and a short video tutorial in our service portal. Thus, breakdowns of your shop caused by compatibility problems are a thing of the past!

Bugfixes and problem direct solution

The fastest way to solve problems
Despite comprehensive testing, small bugs can always occur in different shopware environments. Such bug fixes are usually done the same day. In addition, our High Compatibility Architecture will benefit you here, because in the event of an error you can simply switch off the respective part of the theme, so that the error-free shopware standard is then activated directly at this point.

Satisfaction guaranteed

We are convinced that you will love ThemeWare®
That's why you can test ThemeWare® for 30 days with its full range of functions and all the extras. If you are not satisfied until after the test phase, we will find a solution even then. That's a promise!

Design services and adjustments

To make even the biggest wishes come true

Individual adjustments

If you have very special wishes, which are not configurable with the standard of our Shopware Theme, there is always the possibility of individual adjustments. ThemeWare® is already designed from the base to be expanded at any time and yet to remain almost always updateable. So, what are your biggest wishes? request now!

Sales-promoting design

One of our most popular services is the individual design of your shop based on ThemeWare®. We combine the many advantages of standard software and individual solutions for you. Another advantage is that we use extensive knowledge from sales psychology in the design process to massively increase the order rates in your shop. request now!

Why is there a theme-by-note (branding) in the footer?

The reason for theme branding lies in the long-term future security and further development of ThemeWare®. Only if ThemeWare® spreads sufficiently, can we as a company dedicate ourselves 100% to permanent development. This idea had proved to be true. This confirms our market leadership since 2017, over 20000 installations, over 500 real 5-star ratings and our more than 550 agency partners who trust in ThemeWare®.

Remove theme branding and do something good together

Theme branding can be removed for a one-time compensation fee of € 199,- net In this way, instead of spreading ThemeWare®, you make your contribution to its constant further development. In gratitude we would like to give something back to this world, together with you. For this reason we will donate a part of this compensation fee to a charitable organization to save our rainforests! If you are interested you can contact us here the fastest way!

Do you have any questions?

Visit our popular service portal at to get the ideal support and all the answers to your questions. We are known for our excellent service. Test us!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the difference between the ThemeWare Pro and Cloud Editions? The ThemeWare Pro Edition can only be used on self-hosted systems and offers special features that are of interest to professionals and agencies: additional expert features, template-level customisations (Twig, Scss), prioritised updates, developer support

    The ThemeWare Cloud Edition is primarily intended for the Shopware Cloud, but can also be used on self-hosted systems. As the range of functions is minimally limited due to the cloud, this edition is primarily aimed at beginners. We recommend that all shop operators with self-hosted systems start directly with the ThemeWare Pro Edition.
  • How exactly do the individual themes differ? >>> only by configuration All ThemeWare® variants are based 100% on the same core. The great variety of design results solely from the configuration and the professionally designed graphics. To make your shop design look just as professional later on, we provide you with all graphics in the open PSD format.
  • Do I get all the extras even if I'm a tester? >>> Yeah! Whether you are only interested in ThemeWare, are a tester or have already bought it - you always get full access to all extras and features.
  • For whom is ThemeWare® suitable? >>> for beginners, professionals, companies and agencies In a nutshell: We guide beginners step by step to success with our instructions and video tutorials. Professionals love the boundless possibilities and our consistent quality implementation. Companies can adapt ThemeWare® particularly well to their needs and are never dependent on a service provider. Agencies can implement professional online shops in considerably less time with ThemeWare®.
  • Are there special conditions for agencies and resellers? >>> Yeah! Yeah, best take a look at our Partner and agency program.
  • Are there really other plug-ins included in ThemeWare®? >>> Yes, these plugins are permanently installed by us Our theme already includes the functionality of over 25 very popular plugins as an included tool. By onboard resources, we mean that no additional plugin installation is required. You simply configure these plugins together with ThemeWare® using your theme manager. Annoying additional purchases and subsequent designs are no longer necessary and you save over 900€!
  • How well can I adapt ThemeWare® to my wishes? >>> almost boundless, almost everything is possible With just a few color settings, you can quickly customize the theme to your desired design, as these are inherited in all subordinate color settings. If you have special wishes, there are countless customizable color values and settings available. Our theme offers hundreds of configuration options that leave nothing to be desired.
  • How do I get support? >>> our service portal is the best contact point Visit our popular service portal at to get the ideal support and all the answers to your questions. We are known for our excellent service. Test us!
  • Why is there a theme-by-hint (branding) in the footer? The reason for theme branding is to secure the future and further development of ThemeWare® in the long term. Only if ThemeWare® spreads sufficiently, can we as a company dedicate ourselves 100% to permanent development. This idea had proved to be true. This confirms our market leadership since 2017, thousands of active installations, hundreds of real 5-star ratings and countless agency partners who trust in ThemeWare®.
  • Can I remove the theme banding? >>> Yeah, sure! The theme branding can be removed for a one-time compensation fee of € 199,- net. In this way, instead of spreading ThemeWare®, you make your contribution to its constant further development. In gratitude we would like to give something back to this world, together with you. For this reason we will donate a part of this compensation fee to a charitable organization for saving our rainforests! If you are interested you can contact us here the fastest way!
  • Show all questions and answers Show fewer questions and answers


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Configuration manual

Installing and activating ThemeWare® using the Plugin Manager
Our theme is downloaded and installed using the plugin manager. Please make sure that you activate the plugin/theme immediately after installation.

Assign ThemeWare®
A sales channel of the Art Storefront is always necessary for the delivery of a theme.

  1. Log in to the Shopware Administration and click on the sales channel of your storefront in the top left navigation in the "Sales channels" section.
  2. Now click on the "Theme" tab at the top.
  3. Now click on the "Change Theme" button and select ThemeWare®.
  4. Then click on the "Apply Theme" button. Then confirm again by clicking on the "Change Theme" button.
  5. Wait until the loading symbol disappears. Now click on "Save" again at the top.
  6. Now update your storefront (CTRL + F5 on Windows / CMD + SHIFT + R on Mac)



Version 3.1.4

- Compatibility with Shopware improved
- Improved appearance of the account pages of the "Shopware Commercial" extension
- Bugfix: "Custom image 5" in the "Awards, seals or certificates" widget fixed
- Bugfix: Theme configuration fixed when using more than one theme [Pro]

Version 3.1.3

- Compatibility with Shopware improved
- Bugfix: Typo in the storefront template of the "Parallax banner" fixed

Version 3.1.2

- Improved representation of the quantity selection with packaging unit
- Colour contrast of the description of payment/shipping methods improved
- Colour contrast of the "Product badges" improved
- Bugfix: Background colour of modals fixed

Version 3.1.1

- Bugfix: Wrapping of the payment and shipping method logos in the widgets fixed

Version 3.1.0

- Configuration for the width of the "Flyout search" added
- Configuration for a more compact layout of the "Product boxes" added
- Configuration "CSS class" for the button in the "Call-To-Action slide" added [Pro]
- Configuration "nofollow" added to the "Announcement banner" #FeatureRequest
- Configuration "nofollow" added to the "Awards, seals or certificates" widget #FeatureRequest
- Configuration "nofollow" added to the widget "Communities or social media" #FeatureRequest
- Configuration "Text shadow" added to the "Call-To-Action" [Pro]
- Configuration "Text shadow" added to the "Call-To-Action slide" [Pro]
- Configuration "Text shadow" added to the "Text slide" [Pro]
- Configuration "Text alignment" added to the "Call-To-Action slide" [Pro]
- Configuration "Text alignment" added to the "Text slide" [Pro]
- Configuration for deactivating the link for images in the "Awards, seals ..." widget added #FeatureRequest
- Configuration for disabling the CMS styling on "Account" pages added
- Configuration for disabling the CMS styling on "Checkout" pages added
- Configuration for disabling the CMS styling on "Login" pages added
- Various improvements in the field of pagespeed and accessibility
- Additional snippets added for URLs of links in the "Awards, seals or certificates" widget

- Compatibility with Shopware improved
- CMS block/element "Custom code (HTML/CSS/JS)" improved [Pro]
- Styling of different buttons improved
- Styling of different elements of the "Wishlist" improved
- The "Discount badge" now uses local decimal separators #FeatureRequest
- The option "none" of the "HTML tag" configuration no longer adds any styling [Pro] #FeatureRequest
- Minor improvements in the theme configuration
- Minor template improvements in various CMS elements [Pro]
- Added lazy loading for images the "Awards, seals or certificates" widget
- Added lazy loading for images in CMS elements [Pro]
- Added lazy loading for payment and shipping logos
- Lighthouse improvements in the footer
- Lighthouse improvements in the "Hero slider" [Pro]
- New "Default" option added to "HTML tag" configuration [Pro]
- Position of payment/shipping methods is now considered in the widgets #FeatureRequest
- Responsive behaviour of the images in the "Awards, seals or certificates" widget improved
- Template files from the "Awards, seals or certificates" widget updated
- Snippets in the "Awards, seals or certificates" widget updated
- Twig "string quotation" reworked
- Improved URL encoding of the "Further products" link in the manufacturer tab
- Improvements (HTML and CSS) to the headings in various CMS elements [Pro]
- Preview of the CMS element "Image & text layered" improved [Pro]
- Bugfix: "Sharing links", "Benefits" and "Payment logos" in the buybox are now only displayed on product pages
- Bugfix: Button of the "Call-To-Action" fixed [Pro]
- Bugfix: Representation of the manufacturer in product boxes has been fixed
- Bugfix: Configuration of the "Input search" improved
- Bugfix: Configuration of the "Hero banner" fixed [Pro]
- Bugfix: SCSS error in the storefront watcher fixed
- Bugfix: Some icons for Firefox browsers improved

- Please now use the new "title" snippets in the "Awards, seals or certificate" widget
- The link from the "Announcement banner" is now "nofollow"
- The "Flyout search" has new configurations for the width
- Links of the images in the "Awards, seals or certificates" widget are now "nofollow"
- Links of the logos in the "Communities or Social Media" widget are now "nofollow"
- For more information on all changes please visit our Service Portal (

Version 3.0.0

- Compatibility established with Shopware 6.6
- CMS block "Two columns, 3-9 (swapped on phones)" added #FeatureRequest
- CMS block "Two columns, 4-8 (swapped on phones)" added #FeatureRequest
- CMS block "Two columns, 5-7 (swapped on phones)" added #FeatureRequest
- CMS block "Two columns, 7-5 (swapped on phones)" added #FeatureRequest
- CMS block "Two columns, 8-4 (swapped on phones)" added #FeatureRequest
- CMS block "Two columns, 9-3 (swapped on phones)" added #FeatureRequest
- CMS block/element "Custom code (HTML/CSS/JS)" added [Pro] #FeatureRequest
- CMS element "Hero banner" added [Pro]
- CMS element "Parallax banner" added [Pro]
- Configuration for the HTML tag of the subtitle in the "Text teaser" added [Pro]
- Configurations for "CSS classes" added to various CMS elements

- Minor improvements in the theme configuration [Pro]
- Configuration for a parallax effect added to the "Image banner" [Pro] #FeatureRequest
- Shopware 6.6: Enabled asynchronous JavaScript with dynamic imports in the Storefront
- Shopware 6.6: All CMS blocks migrated to Vue 3 [Pro]
- Shopware 6.6: All CMS elements migrated to Vue 3 [Pro]
- Shopware 6.6: Breadcrumb changes in Shopware 6.6 adopted
- Shopware 6.6: Removal of all.js from the Storefront taken into account
- Shopware 6.6: SCSS changes in Shopware 6.6 adopted
- Shopware 6.6: TWIG changes in Shopware 6.6 adopted
- Shopware 6.6: Improved theme configuration updated [Pro]
- Some Twig blocks added or renamed
- Links in CMS elements are now underlined for better readability [Pro] #FeatureRequest
- Deprecated SCSS and Twig code has been removed
- Configuration of all CMS elements improved [Pro]
- Improved styling of the configuration of CMS elements [Pro]
- Preview of some CMS elements improved [Pro]"

- For more information on changes, please visit our Service Portal (
- The "classic" product page has been replaced by the default CMS layout in Shopware 6.6.
- The "classic" breadcrumb has been replaced by the CMS breadcrumb in Shopware 6.6.

Version 2.2.1

- Compatibility with Shopware improved
- Measures in the "Product specifications" use local decimal separators #FeatureRequest
- Improvements in the theme configuration and in some files
- Bugfix: Error with multiple successive "Hero sliders" fixed [Pro]
- Bugfix: Improved representation of price filters in different browsers

Version 2.2.0

- CMS block/element "Round teaser" added [Pro]
- CMS block/element "Layered text" added [Pro]
- CMS block "Six columns (custom)" added [Pro]
- Configuration for the background colour of the "Countdown banner" added [Pro]
- Configuration for the background colour of the "Countdown banner (compact)" added [Pro]
- Configuration for the horizontal alignment in the "Countdown banner (compact)" added [Pro]
- Configuration for the horizontal image positioning in the "Call-To-Action" added [Pro]
- Configuration for the maximum width of the "Image teaser" added [Pro]
- Configuration for the maximum width in the "Countdown banner (compact)" added [Pro]

- CSS classes for column spacing in CMS blocks reworked
- Presentation in display mode "Standard" of the "Image teaser" improved [Pro]
- Horizontal alignment of the "Image Teaser" improved [Pro]
- Storefront template files of all CMS elements updated [Pro]
- Variables of the "Hover box" improved [Pro]
- Preview of CMS teaser elements enhanced [Pro]
- Bugfix: Duplicate title attribute in the "My account" button fixed
- Bugfix: Colour assignment of the badges of all action buttons in the header fixed
- Bugfix: Colour assignment of the product badges fixed
- Bugfix: Unnecessary gap on the left and right of the breadcrumb with the width "100% (Full-width)" removed

- Twig blocks in template files of some CMS elements have been renamed. Please check your template customisations. [Pro]

Version 2.1.4

- Subtitle added to the "Text teaser" [Pro]
- Configuration for the corner type of the "Rating in product boxes" added
- Configuration for the font weight in the "Text teaser" added [Pro]
- Configuration for the font weight in the "Text teaser (decorated)" added [Pro]
- Configuration for text formatting in the "Text teaser" added [Pro]
- Configuration for text formatting in the "Text teaser (decorated)" added [Pro]

- Alignment of the badges, rating and the wishlist button in product boxes improved
- Mobile appearance of the "Countdown banner" improved [Pro]
- Preloading of the "Countdown banner" improved [Pro] #FeatureRequest
- Bugfix: Appearance of arrows in the product slider improved
- Bugfix: Colour assignment of the purchase button on product pages fixed
- Bugfix: Configuration of the text colour in the "Hero countdown (Heading)" fixed [Pro]
- Bugfix: Typo in the "max-width" CSS classes fixed

Version 2.1.3

- CMS block/element "Testimonial (Customer review)" added [Pro] #PremiumRequest
- CMS block "Testimonials (Four columns)" added [Pro] #PremiumRequest
- CSS "max-width" classes for Shopping Experiences added

- Help texts in the theme configuration extended
- Categories of the type "Link" are now considered in the "Listing subcategories"
- Categories of the type "Structuring element" are no longer displayed in the "Listing subcategories"
- Improved appearance of the "Hero slides" below the breakpoints [Pro]
- Improved appearance of the "Listing subcategories"
- Improved appearance of the "Text teaser" with shadows [Pro]
- Improved appearance of "Text teaser (decorated)" with line breaks [Pro]
- Preview of "Listing subcategories" improved [Pro]
- Preview of the "Call-to-Action" improved [Pro]
- Bugfix: "twt-cms-col-margin" classes fixed
- Bugfix: The configuration "HTML tag as class" now changes the font size correctly [Pro]
- Bugfix: Coloured overlay of the "Image teaser" is displayed again [Pro]
- Bugfix: Font of the "Listing subcategories" is applied correctly
- Bugfix: Snippets of the "Countdown banner" fixed [Pro]

- Preparations for the removal of outdated CSS classes
- For more information on changes, please visit our Service Portal (

Version 2.1.2

- SCSS improvements for the Storefront
- Theme JS plugins updated
- Bugfix: CSS classes "twt-cms-boxed-content" and "twt-cms-block-boxed" fixed
- Bugfix: "Floating widget" can be closed again

Version 2.1.1

- Bugfix: Presentation of the comment field in the checkout improved

Version 2.1.0

- New extension "Checkout steps" added
- New extension "Listing subcategories" added
- CMS block/element "Listing subcategories" added [Pro]
- CMS block/element "Image teaser" added [Pro]
- CMS block "One column" added #FeatureRequest
- CMS block "Three columns, 2-8-2" added [Cloud]
- CMS block "Three columns, 3-6-3" added [Cloud]
- CMS block "Three columns, 2-2-8" added
- CMS block "Three columns, 3-3-6" added
- CMS block "Three columns, 6-3-3" added
- CMS block "Three columns, 8-2-2" added
- CMS block "Hero slider (2x)" added [Pro] #FeatureRequest
- CMS block "Hero slider (4x)" added [Pro] #FeatureRequest
- CMS block "Two columns (swapped on phones)" added [Cloud]
- CMS element "Image slide (Hero slider)" added [Pro] #FeatureRequest
- Colour overlay added to "Call-to-Action slide (Hero slider)" [Pro]
- Colour overlay added to "Text slide (Hero slider)" [Pro]
- Added configuration for the general link colour
- Added configuration for the width of the "Top bar"
- Added configuration for the width of the "Top navigation"
- Configuration for the display period in the "Call-to-Action slide (Hero slider)" added [Pro]
- Configuration for the display period in the "Text-Slide (Hero-Slider)" added [Pro]
- Configuration for the duration of the "Call-to-Action slide (Hero slider)" added #FeatureRequest
- Configuration for the duration of the "Text slide (Hero slider)" added #FeatureRequest
- Configuration for the image display mode in the "Call-to-Action slide (Hero slider)" added [Pro]
- Configuration for the image display mode in the "Text slide (Hero slider)" added [Pro]
- Configuration for the background colour of all teasers added [Pro]
- Configuration for the background colour of texts in the "Call-to-Action slide (Hero slider)" added [Pro]
- Configuration for the background colour of texts in the "Text slide (Hero slider)" added [Pro]
- Configuration for the overlay background effect in the "Call-to-Action" added [Pro]
- Configuration for the minimum height in the "Call-to-Action slide (Hero slider)" added [Pro] #FeatureRequest
- Configuration for the minimum height in the "Text slide (Hero slider)" added [Pro] #FeatureRequest
- Configuration for the indentation in the flyout of the top navigation added
- Configuration for displaying the delivery time on detail pages added #FeatureRequest
- Configuration to hide the product number on detail pages added #FeatureRequest
- Label "Not available" on detail pages added
- Label "Pre-order" on detail pages added
- Labels "Delivery time" on detail pages added
- Added more CSS classes for column margins
- Added custom field to highlight a category in top navigation #FeatureRequest

- CMS element "Button teaser" entirely clickable [Pro]
- CMS element "Call-to-Action" entirely clickable [Pro] #FeatureRequest
- CMS element "Call-to-Action slide (Hero slider)" entirely clickable [Pro] #FeatureRequest
- Improved appearance of all teasers in display mode "Standard" [Pro]
- Improved appearance of "Accept all cookies" button in cookie configuration
- Product specifications visually grouped on the detail page
- Text improvements in the theme configuration
- Theme JS plugins updated
- Preview of the column CMS blocks improved
- Preview of the "Button teaser" improved [Pro]
- Preview of the "Call-to-Action" improved [Pro]
- Preview of the "Classic teaser" improved [Pro]
- Preview of the "Discount banner" improved [Pro]
- Preview of the "Hero slider" improved [Pro]
- Preview of the "Modern teaser" improved [Pro]
- Preview of the "Text teaser" improved [Pro]
- Preview of the "Text teaser (decorated)" improved [Pro]
- Preview of the "Hover box" improved [Pro]
- Bugfix: Selection of button colour in "Call-to-Action" fixed [Pro]
- Bugfix: Flyout search in mobile header fixed
- Bugfix: Logo width in mobile viewport is applied correctly again
- Bugfix: "Open media" button in "Hero countdown (Heading)" fixed [Pro]
- Bugfix: Font size in form inputs is applied correctly again
- Bugfix: Sticky feature of the "Floating widget" fixed

- Please check the configuration of the "Top Navigation" after the update.
- Please check the configuration of your "Hero sliders" after the update. [Pro]
- For more information on all changes please visit our Service Portal (

Version 2.0.5

- New feature "Social Proofing" for product pages added
- CMS extension "Countdown banner" added [Pro]
- CMS extension "Countdown banner (compact)" added [Pro]
- CMS extension "Discount banner" added [Pro]
- CMS extension "Hero countdown" added [Pro]
- Added flags for the language menu #FeatureRequest
- "Newsletter subscription" in the account can be hidden #FeatureRequest
- Social icon "X" added #FeatureRequest
- Sharing link "X" added #FeatureRequest

- Colour configuration for payment/shipping methods in account and checkout added

Version 2.0.4

- Bugfix: JS error "js-field-toggle-newsletter-additional" in newsletter widget fixed

Version 2.0.3

- Added thumbnail sizes to the manufacturer logo in the manufacturer tab
- Various SCSS and Twig improvements
- Bugfix: Colour assignment of the scroll-top button fixed

Version 2.0.2

- Bugfix: Empty CMS block "Breadcrumb navigation" in the storefront fixed
- Bugfix: Flags in language selection fixed
- Deprecated snippet 'component.cms.vimeo.privacyNotice' changed to 'component.cms.vimeo.privacyNoticeText'
- Deprecated snippet 'footer.serviceContactLink' changed to 'footer.serviceContactText'

- For more information on changes, please visit our Service Portal (

Version 2.0.1

- CMS blocks/elements in administration improved [Pro]
- Manufacturer in product boxes can be configured separately for each layout type
- Hover effect of CMS placeholders improved [Pro]
- Product number in product boxes can be configured separately for each layout type
- Text alignment "space-between" of the "Top navigation" improved
- Back to store button in checkout optimized for mobile devices
- Bugfix: Fixed a change of the maximum width of the shop logo in Shopware
- Bugfix: Link color of headlines in footer fixed
- Bugfix: Subscribe in newsletter widget fixed

Version 2.0.0

- Compatibility established with Shopware 6.5

- Bootstrap 5 Migration: media-breakpoint-down() uses the breakpoint itself instead of the next breakpoint (e.g., media-breakpoint-down(lg) instead of media-breakpoint-down(md))
- Bootstrap 5 Migration: media-breakpoint-between() uses the breakpoint itself instead of the next breakpoint (e.g., media-between(sm, lg) instead of media-breakpoint-between(sm, md))
- Bootstrap 5 Migration: Migrated jQuery to Vanilla JavaScript in JS plugins
- Bootstrap 5 Migration: Renamed color-yiq() function and related variables to color-contrast() as it’s no longer related to YIQ colorspace
- Bootstrap 5 Migration: Replace badge-* with bg-*
- Bootstrap 5 Migration: Replace border-right-radius class with border-end-radius
- Bootstrap 5 Migration: Replace border-left-radius class with border-start-radius
- Bootstrap 5 Migration: Replace close with btn-close
- Bootstrap 5 Migration: Replace custom-select with form-select
- Bootstrap 5 Migration: Replace data-toggle with data-bs-toggle
- Bootstrap 5 Migration: Replace data-target with data-bs-target
- Bootstrap 5 Migration: Replace ml-* and mr-* with ms-* and me-*
- Bootstrap 5 Migration: Replace no-gutters with g-0
- Bootstrap 5 Migration: Replace pl-* and pr-* with ps-* and pe-*
- Bootstrap 5 Migration: Replace .btn-block class with .d-grid wrapper
- Bootstrap 5 Migration: Variablen overrides updated
- CMS styling on CMS product pages improved
- CSS spacing classes updated to Bootstrap 5
- Appearance of the pagination updated
- Theme configuration appearance updated [Pro]
- Appearance of the "Announcement banner" updated
- Color of links of the "Call-to-Action" improved [Pro].
- Color of links of the "Call-to-Action slide" improved [Pro]
- Color of links of the "Text slide" improved [Pro]
- Color of links of the "Hover box" improved [Pro]
- Footer service menu added to the header
- Footer service menu added to the offcanvas navigation
- Light tinted badges and labels updated
- Hero slider updated to Bootstrap 5 [Pro]
- Background images are no longer loaded via Twig
- Content and structure of SCSS files updated
- Configuration for CSS spacing classes updated
- Configuration of the "Hover box" extended [Pro]
- Configuration of the "Button teaser" extended [Pro]
- Configuration of the "Text teaser" extended [Pro]
- Configuration of the "Text teaser (Decorated)" extended [Pro]
- Configuration of the "Call-to-Action" extended [Pro]
- Configuration and styling of tables updated to Bootstrap 5
- Added configuration for loading CSS code of CMS elements
- Added configuration for loading jQuery
- Newsletter widget in footer updated
- SEO configuration for CMS elements improved [Pro]
- Tabs on CMS product pages updated
- Theme assets restructured
- Removed deprecated config fields
- Deprecated SCSS and Twig code removed
- Preview of CMS blocks and elements updated [Pro]
- Preview of the "Hover box" improved [Pro]
- Preview of "Subcategory navigation (Sidebar)" improved [Pro].
- Preview of the "Button teaser" improved [Pro]
- Preview of the "Text teaser" improved [Pro]
- Preview of the "Text teaser (Decorated)" improved [Pro]
- Preview of the "Call-to-Action" improved [Pro]

- For more information on changes, please visit our Service Portal (

Version 1.1.11

- ThemeWare® CMS styling on CMS product pages improved

- Bugfix: Added "Custom tab" to CMS product pages
- Bugfix: Sticky "Image gallery and buy box" modal display

Version 1.1.10

- Bugfix: Colour configuration of the cookie permission fixed
- Bugfix: Added "Custom tab" to CMS product pages
- Bugfix: JS error "The plugin CookiePermission is not registered" fixed

Version 1.1.9

- Benefits icon can be selected

- Fixed a typo in a help text
- Bugfix: Improved presentation of the "Modern Grid" on smartphones
- Bugfix: Colour configuration of the "Classic Teaser" in column and grid blocks fixed
- Bugfix: JS error "Cannot read properties" in the checkout fixed
- Bugfix: z-index of the custom header adjusted to privacy overlays of videos

Version 1.1.8

- Bugfix: Error of the "Custom announcement" fixed

Version 1.1.7

- Added mobile header layout "Sales Promoting Navigation"
- Custom tab for product pages added #FeatureRequest
- CMS block "Breadcrumb" added [Pro]
- CMS block "Product name (without manufacturer logo)" added [Pro]
- CMS block "Image gallery and buy box (with product name)" added [Pro]
- CMS block "Image gallery and buy box (with product name & manufacturer logo)" added [Pro]
- Configuration "Padding left/right" for container in the mobile viewport added
- Configuration "Open link in new tab" for the "Announcement banner" added #FeatureRequest
- Configuration "Link to" in CMS elements updated (Link types added) [Pro]
- Configuration "Font size" added for header dropdown menues
- Close button for the "Announcement banner" added
- New designs for the cookie permission added
- New icon sets were added
- Submit icon in the newsletter widget can be selected #FeatureRequest
- Service menu added to the offcanvas navigation #FeatureRequest
- Sticky configuration for "Gallery and buybox" added #FeatureRequest
- Shopping cart icon in the header can be selected #FeatureRequest
- Shopping cart icon added to buy button

- Integration of the icon sets refactored (relates to the icons in the header)
- Configuration of the "Announcement banner" renewed
- Configuration of the mobile header updated and extended
- Google Lighthouse: Pagespeed improvements
- Product videos refactored to be loaded GDPR compliant
- Improvement of the image quality in the "Hero-Slider (3x)"
- Improvements in the theme configuration
- Various improvements to the presentation in the mobile viewports
- Bugfix: Truncation of long product names in product boxes fixed
- Bugfix: JS error "document.querySelector search-container NULL" fixed
- Bugfix: Configuration fields for the "Announcement banner" fixed

- Please check the new icon configuration in the Tab "Layout" => Block "Typography".
- Please check the configuration of the "Announcement banner". (The old configuration is in the Tab "Others" => Block "Deprecated")

Version 1.1.6

- Bugfix: Missing icon for benefits fixed

Version 1.1.5

- Compatibility established with Shopware

- Bugfix: Position of the icons of help texts in the theme configuration improved

- The tab "Manufacturers" is now disabled by default. Please re-enable it if needed.
- The tab "Product videos" is now disabled by default. Please re-enable it if needed.
- Twig blocks in template files for tabs on the product page have been renamed. Please check your customisations.

Version 1.1.4

- Hover image allowed in CMS element "Three columns, product boxes"
- Bugfix: Colour of the rating stars on product pages adjusted
- Bugfix: Google Font fixed in Bio themes

Version 1.1.3

- CMS element "Image banner" added [Pro]
- Configuration added to "Classic teaser" [Pro] #FeatureRequest
- Configuration "HTML tag" added to "Call-to-Action" [Pro] #FeatureRequest
- Configuration "HTML tag" added to "Hero slides" [Pro] #FeatureRequest
- Configuration "HTML tag" added to "Hover box" [Pro] #FeatureRequest

- Theme fonts are now loaded without Google Fonts
- Bugfix: Java script error in "Full width sticky header" with hamburg menu solved
- Bugfix: Payment methods in the buybox are displayed next to each other again

Version 1.1.2

- Added a hover effect for top navigation
- Added an individual colour configuration for the home link in top navigation

- Bugfix: Layout changes of the home link reversed and made possible as a separate configuration

- The home link has a separate colour configuration. Please check the new configuration.

Version 1.1.1

- Compatibility established with Shopware 6.4.14

- Default media for "Hero slider (3x)" added [Pro]

Version 1.1.0

- Footer widgets can be displayed expanded or permanently expanded in mobile viewports

- CSS classes for CMS column paddings in grids available
- Position for product videos in the "Description" tab configurable
- Improved appearance of links in the footer
- Bugfix: Inheritance of child themes during updates fixed

- The footer widgets have been reworked. Please check your template customisations.

Version 1.0.11

- Added arrows for menu items with subcategories in top navigation
- Added configuration for level 3 in the top navigation flyout
- Short description can be shown in the product box #FeatureRequest
- Added new hover effect for top navigation

- Added some help texts in the theme configuration
- Hover effects in product boxes improved
- Improved appearance of the bootstrap pagination in mobile viewports
- Improved appearance of the home link in top navigation
- Various SCSS improvements
- Bugfix: Preload variables fixed

Version 1.0.10

- Compatibility established with Shopware 6.4.11
- Configuration to round the value in the discount badge added #FeatureRequest
- Product badges on product pages can be displayed in the gallery or in the buybox
- Product badges can be provided with icons
- Visibility of each individual product badge can be configured
- Free shipping badge added to the product page
- Free shipping label added to the product page

- CMS blocks now have default media [Pro]
- Colour configuration for the product badges extended
- Configuration for the labels on the product page extended
- Configuration for the specifications on the product page extended
- Configuration for the sharing links on the product page extended
- Configuration for the payment logos on the product page extended
- Renamed the template files of the product badges
- Improved display of the elements in the buybox
- Bugfix: Inactive filters are now greyed out

- The product badges have been updated, please check your configuration.

Version 1.0.9

- Tab "Product videos" for product pages added
- Manufacturer logo added to manufacturer tab
- Custom field for a short description on the product page added

- Appearance of the theme configuration improved
- Minor design adjustments on product pages
- Configuration in the properties tab extended
- Configuration in the manufacturer tab extended
- Twig blocks added to template files for the product page
- Improved logo presentation in the mobile "Full-width sticky header"

Version 1.0.8

- Configuration for CSS classes added to "Button teaser" [Pro]
- Configuration for CSS classes added to "Classic teaser" [Pro]
- Configuration for CSS classes added to "Modern teaser" [Pro]
- Configuration for CSS classes added to "Text teaser" [Pro]
- Configuration for CSS classes added to "Text teaser (decorated)" [Pro]

- Improved layout of CMS pages in modals
- Various SCSS improvements
- Bugfix: Snippets for title attribute in manufacturer tab fixed

Version 1.0.7

- Hotline can now be displayed in the top bar

- Bugfix: Wish list button in minimal header removed

Version 1.0.6

- Widget "Custom text" added in the footer

- Maximum image height for "Awards, seals or certificates" allowed
- Structure categories are no longer clickable in the "Subcategory navigation (Sidebar)"
- Deprecated files removed
- Improvements in the theme configuration
- Bugfix: Display of the search suggestions dropdown in the header 1.2 improved
- Bugfix: Icons of the benefits can be hidden again in the footer
- Bugfix: HTML formatting for benefits allowed again

Version 1.0.5

- CSS classes for column spacing in column blocks are made possible
- Bugfix: Snippets of the USP bar improved

Version 1.0.4

- Added explicit width and height to ThemeWare® SSL seal
- Added explicit width and height to ThemeWare® payment and shipping logos
- Bugfix: Icon for benefits in the widget and on the product page fixed [Cloud]

Version 1.0.3

- Compatibility for Shopware

- Improvements in the theme configuration

Version 1.0.2

- Colour configuration for forms added
- Added new layout type for the "USP bar" in the footer
- Benefits on the product page added
- Custom field "Benefits" added for products

- CSS classes for sharing links on the product page refactored
- CSS classes for payment logos on the product page refactored
- Checkmark-Icons in the "Benefits" widget updated
- Added "Expert mode" option for debugging
- Removed deprecated snippets from the USP bar
- Various fixes and improvements to CMS elements
- Bugfix: Duplicated style tag in HTML-head fixed
- Bugfix: Structured data fixed on the product page

Version 1.0.1

- CMS block "Two columns, 3-9" added [Cloud]
- CMS block "Two columns, 4-8" added [Cloud]
- CMS block "Two columns, 5-7" added
- CMS block "Two columns, 7-5" added
- CMS block "Two columns, 8-4" added [Cloud]
- CMS block "Two columns, 9-3" added [Cloud]

- Bugfix: Product slider in multi-column CMS blocks fixed
- Bugfix: Text color for headlines with links in footer fixed
- Bugfix: Improved appearance of product images in the cross-selling slider
- Bugfix: SSL error fixed that can lead to a logout in the customer area

Version 1.0.0

- ThemeWare® Modern Design Update
- CMS element "Modern teaser" added [Pro]
- CMS block "Grid 'Modern'" added [Pro]
- Added breakpoint for the overlay in the "Hero slider" [Pro].

- Snippets of the "USP bar" replaced

- ThemeWare® 'Mega Release'
- For more information on changes, please visit our Service Portal (

Version 0.6.1

- Bugfix: Missing arrows in the "Top navigation flyout" fixed
- Bugfix: USP bar labels with HTML code fixed

Version 0.6.0

- New compact header layout added
- New feature "Slideout communities" added
- The "Communities" can now be placed in the "USP bar
- The "Top bar" can now be placed in the "USP bar
- HTML text for "Call-to-Action" enabled [Pro]
- HTML text for "Hover box" enabled [Pro]
- HTML code can be added to the header
- JavaScript code can be added to the bottom of the HTML page
- Configuration for CSS classes added to "Hero-Slider" [Pro]
- Configuration for CSS classes added to "Call-To-Action" [Pro]
- Configuration for CSS classes added to "Hover-Box" [Pro]
- Configuration for the maximum width of videos on the product page added

- Configuration for the width of the "USP bar" in the header added
- Configuration for vertical positioning of the "Floating widget" renewed
- Configuration for tables on the product page extended
- Added dropdown for loading the CSS/JS files
- Some Twig files have been moved and renamed
- Bugfix: Hiding of custom field 1-3 fixed

- ThemeWare® 'Mega Release' part 4
- Please check your configuration with regard to the changes mentioned above.
- Please check your template adjustments with regard to the changes mentioned above.
- For more information on the changes, please visit our Service Portal (

Version 0.5.0

- CMS-Element "Hero slider (3x)" added [Pro]
- CMS-Element "Text teaser" added [Pro]
- CMS-Element "Text teaser (decorated)" added [Pro]
- CMS-Element "Button teaser" added [Pro]
- CMS-Element "Hover box" added [Pro]
- CMS-Element "Call-to-Action" added [Pro]
- CMS-Element "Classic teaser" added [Pro]
- CMS-Element "Subcategory navigation (Sidebar)" added [Pro]
- CMS-Block "Two columns" added
- CMS-Block "Two columns (swapped on phones)" added [Pro]
- CMS-Block "Two columns, 3-9" added [Pro]
- CMS-Block "Two columns, 4-8" added [Pro]
- CMS-Block "Two columns, 8-4" added [Pro]
- CMS-Block "Two columns, 9-3" added [Pro]
- CMS-Block "Three columns" added
- CMS-Block "Three columns, 2-8-2" added [Pro]
- CMS-Block "Three columns, 3-6-3" added [Pro]
- CMS-Block "Four columns" added
- CMS-Block "Five columns" added
- CMS-Block "Six columns" added
- CMS-Block "Grid 'One'" added [Pro]
- CMS-Block "Grid 'One' (swapped)" added [Pro]
- New layout types for the top navigation flyout
- Separator for the shopping cart button added to the header

- Extended font configuration for the top navigation flyout

- ThemeWare® 'Mega Release' part 3
- Background images can be deactivated now via the configuration

Version 0.4.2

- Added configuration for the spacing above the footer
- Vertical scrolling of the thumbnail navigation in the gallery slider added

- Set font size of inputs on iOS devices to 16px to prevent Safari from zooming
- Text colour of the description for shipping methods in the checkout improved
- Improved SEO itemprops for the home icon and the home link in the breadcrumb
- Inheritance of default assets added
- Bugfix: Display of the "Logged-in badge" fixed
- Bugfix: Added custom fields to CMS product page

Version 0.4.1

- Added configuration for the wishlist button in the product box
- Layout type "full-width" for product images in the product box added
- Twitch social icon added
- Xing social icon added

- Performance improvement for the crossfade hover image
- Some social icons updated
- Bugfix: CMS page ID with 32 characters as body class fixed
- Bugfix: Colouring of the social icons fixed

Version 0.4.0

- Theme specific custom fields made possible
- Added custom fields 1, 2 and 3 for the product specifications on product pages
- Added custom field for hover images in the product box
- Added custom field for YouTube videos in the description on the product page
- Added custom field for Vimeo videos in the description on the product page
- Added custom field for individual CSS classes of categories
- Added custom field for the "Shopping Experiences Header" in categories
- Added "Logged-in badge" for the account button

- Dynamic year in the snippet of the copyright notice available
- Translation of the sales channel name in the copyright notice improved
- More CSS classes can be activated or deactivated via configuration
- Bugfix: Display mode of product images in product boxes in different layout types fixed

- ThemeWare® 'Mega Release' part 2

Version 0.3.7

- Added configuration for background colour of the cart badge in the header
- Added configuration for background colour of the wishlist badge in the header
- Added configuration for the number of lines of product names in product boxes
- New box-shadow configuration for product boxes

- Fixed a bug in customisable links of the entity 'Category' in the footer navigation
- Configuration for the compatibility of the footer replaced (HC-Architecture®)
- Added option for a shorter CMS page ID as body class
- Improved display of captcha variants in the newsletter widget
- Minor CSS improvements in the theme configuration

Version 0.3.6

- Minor fixes and improvements
- Bugfix: Slider navigation dots variable fixed

Version 0.3.5

- Bugfix: Display of logos in the widget 'Payment and shipping methods' fixed

Version 0.3.4

- Added configuration for background colour of the fullscreen search
- Added round corners for action buttons in header
- Added more display options for the headline in the description tab
- Payment methods added to product page

- Bugfix: Display of the stock in the product information fixed
- Bugfix: Display of the 'sold out label' fixed
- Bugfix: The text colour of the announcement banner is now applied to the link
- Bugfix: Colour assignment of pagination fixed
- Bugfix: Gallery slider fixed

Version 0.3.3

- Improved display of badges with small font sizes
- Google Fonts import updated
- Bugfix: Improved display of the rating in product boxes
- Bugfix: Sidebar widget 'Element 3' fixed

Version 0.3.2

- Added new display type fullscreen search
- Added animations for the navigation flyout

- Added hover effect for product boxes
- Hover effects of product boxes can be applied to article sliders
- Bugfix: Fixed the colour assignment of the slider dot navigation
- Bugfix: Google Fonts import fixed
- Bugfix: Manufacturer name is now displayed in the manufacturer tab
- Bugfix: Individual CSS code is no longer escaped
- Bugfix: Text colour for payment method description in checkout fixed
- Bugfix: Fixed 404 error when loading the default font

Version 0.3.1

- The styling for Shopping Experiences has been completely refactored
- Added new designs for pagination
- Added new designs for the breadcrumb
- Added new designs for the scoll-up button
- Added new designs for the arrow navigation in sliders
- Added new designs for the dot navigation in sliders

- Snippets of the 'Properties' tab replaced
- Snippets of the 'Manufacturer' tab replaced

- For more information on changes, please visit our service portal

Version 0.3.0

- Compatible with Shopware 6.4.0
- CSS scroll animations added for shopping experiences
- CMS pages have their own classes in the HTML-body
- The styling for CMS pages can be activated/deactivated
- The CMS page ID can be added as a body class
- Added manufacturer information as tab for product pages
- Configuration of the number of columns for all listing layout types differentiated
- Added configuration to show the manufacturer in the product box
- More display options for the elements in the product box added

- The breadcrumb navigation has been completely revised and has new configuration options
- Configuration for hiding the 'variant characteristics' added (Product box)
- Configuration for hiding the 'price unit' added (Product box)
- Configuration for hiding the 'cheapest price' added (Product box)
- Configuration to hide the 'list price' added (Product box)
- Configuration to hide the 'List price in percent' added (Product box)
- Empty cross-selling elements can be hidden on product pages
- Snippets of the stock label replaced
- Snippets of the stock badge replaced
- Snippets of the discount badge replaced
- Snippets of the 'Properties' tab replaced
- Almost all template files have been updated.
- Some template files have been moved or renamed
- Bugfix: Background image of the 'Copyright footer' no longer affects the 'Minimal footer'.

- ThemeWare® 'Mega Release' part 1
- Please note that a few snippets have been replaced (see 'Changes').
- For more information on changes, please visit our service portal.

Version 0.2.13

- Adjustments on the details page of the Theme Manager.

Version 0.2.12

- Added configuration 'Show only custom images' for payment and shipping logos
- Bugfix: Line spacing of headings in smartphone viewport adjusted
- Bugfix: Spelling errors in theme manager fixed
- Bugfix: Missing sidebar widgets fixed

Version 0.2.11

- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in the footer that removed the benefits widget

Version 0.2.10

- Floating/slideout widget added
- Text logo added

- Added background colour for the main footer section
- Twig files of the widgets moved to the 'widgets' folder
- New configuration fields are now transferred to theme duplicates (On Premise)
- Bugfix: Error in storefront:hot-proxy mode fixed

Version 0.2.9

- Added configuration for the background image of the copyright footer
- Mobile appearance in checkout and login optimized

- Newsletter and copyright background image added for ThemeWare® Kids
- Bugfix: Search in mobile header (sticky) does not scroll
- Bugfix: Colour of search icon in the sticky top navigation corrected

Version 0.2.9

ThemeWare Bike released in the Shopware store.

About the Extension Partner

TC-Innovations GmbH TC-Innovations GmbH Shopware Premium Extension Partner Shopware Premium Extension Partner 52 Extensions 5 Ø Rating
Current version:


€ 19.00* /month for 3 months,
€ 39.00* /month
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This theme starts with a free trial month. The rent can be canceled at any time on a monthly basis or will be automatically renewed at the indicated prices.

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Valid until 21.06.2024 23:15

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