additional or custom fields at order line items
About the Extension
If you have any questions and if they have not already been answered in the area "Frequently Asked Questions", simply contact us via the email and we will be happy to help you.
Description of the app
The app "Customer inputs or additional fields at order line items (under restrictions on products)" allows up to 5 different customer inputs at order line items and under restrictions on products. The restriction refers to the fact that if a customer adds the product (regardless of whether it is a product with variants or a single product) in the shopping cart again for the same order, the standard behavior of Shopware 6 is still triggered (i.e. the quantity of the product increases by the selected value). Since it is still the same product, the customer input is then also updated in this case, since it is an custom field in the order line item and not an independent order line item. This implementation was chosen so that a customer input can always be changed directly at the point where it is displayed, thus preventing the customer from having to switch back to the product detail page to make a change. In order to inform the customer about this separately, you can activate the option "show information message under customer inputs" in the configuration. In addition, most ERP systems and Shopware 6 would encounter problems at this point, for example in the case of cancellations, which then involves the "resetting" of stocks, if the same product can be in the shopping cart several times under different line items. For example, the following apps offer this option:
The customer input can be done on the offcanvas cart page, in the shopping cart or on the order confirm page. However, it is also possible in the QuickView from Shopware and on the product detail page (also when assigning a product page layout) under the aforementioned restrictions.
For each product you can set the following things in the custom fields area for each custom field set:
- the definition, whether a input should be possible
- the selection of the field type of the input (a single or multi-line input field, a number field, a checkbox field, a date time field, a date field, a time field or a selection field)
- the definition of the label before the input
- the definition of the placeholder for the input
- the definition, whether the field is a required field.
A start date, an end date, dates to be excluded or a start and end time can also be set for the date and / or time field. The values for the selection field are separated by commas and set in the corresponding field. At the field type number field a minimum value, a maximum value and the steps can also be specified (if steps have been specified, a positive value must also be entered in the fields "minimum value in field" and "maximum number of characters or maximum value in field"), at the field type single-line input field and multi-line input field the maximum number of characters.
In addition, the following can be selected within the configuration:
- the selection if a details button should be displayed in the navigation when a input has been activated for a product (so that you first see the product inputs before you can add the product to the shopping cart)
- the selection if a message should be displayed under the inputs, for example with a description of the behavior when the product is added to the shopping cart again (in the case that the product input is allowed directly on the product detail page or in the Quickview of Shopware)
- the selection if the product input fields should be shown in the quickview from shopware
- the selection if the input fields should be shown on product detail page
- the selection if the input fields should be shown on the offcanvas cart page
- the selection if the input fields should be shown on cart page
- the selection if the input fields should be shown on confirm page
- the selection if empty input fields should be shown in checkout
- the selection if the input can be changed in the checkout
- the selection if the unselected checkbox fields should be transferred as a value
- the selection if a dividing line should be shown between the product and the input in the checkout
- the selection if the input should be shown in a foldable area in the large shopping cart and on the confirm page
- the selection if the repeat order button should be shown
- the selection if the repeat order function should take over the customer input
The following can be selected for the date and time field within the configuration:
- the selection if a language-dependent calendar should be used based on the localization
- the selection of the date format
- the selection of the date and time format
- the selection if a manual input in the input field is allowed
- the selection if weeks numbers should be shown
- the selection if the start date or time should be set as the default value
Furthermore, the following can be selected within the configuration for the required fields:
- the selection if required fields can be changed in the shopping cart (however, it is not possible to intercept the sending of the form)
- the selection if required fields can be changed on the confirm page
- the selection if empty required fields are saved in the checkout
- the selection if the required fields should be highlighted in color
As soon as the customer makes an input in the field, the change is saved. The input is saved in the session so that the input is available to the customer until the customer completes the purchase or clears the browser cache. Thus, the customer can continue the purchase at a later point in time without having to enter everything again and can also change the value quickly and easily.
The inputs are displayed for each line item both on the finish page and in the customer account in the frontend as well as in the line items in the administration and on the documents. So that the inputs are also displayed in the "order confirmation" email template, the step from the Output the customer inputs or custom fields in the "order confirmation" email template area from the tab "Configuration manual" must be carried out.
In addition to the label, the actual input and, in the case of a checkbox field, the placeholder for each line item is also adopted. In the case of a checkbox field, the text after the checkbox is set using the placeholder.
Intercepting the sending of the form,insofar as the customer input is a required field, is only possible on the product detail page and on the confirm page, because a corresponding form is only available on these pages and the shopping cart can be skipped, for example by the customer with a customer account and the quickview from shopware already preloads all products with its forms.
The available snippets for customizing are:
- tmms.customerInput.titleLabel: the default value of the label of the entry
- tmms.customerInput.placeholderLabel: the default value of the placeholder of the entry
- tmms.customerInput.openingRoundBracket: the opening bracket for the value of the checkbox field in the checkout
- tmms.customerInput.closedRoundBracket: the closing bracket for the value of the checkbox field in the checkout
- tmms.customerInput.selectedValue: the text if the checkbox field is selected
- tmms.customerInput.unselectedValue: the text if the checkbox field was not selected
- tmms.customerInput.requiredLabel: the error message text for the required field
- tmms.customerInput.validityNumberStepsLabel: the error message text if the value is not between the minimum and maximum value and does not comply with the step value
- tmms.customerInput.validityNumberLabel: the error message text if the value is not between the minimum and maximum value
- tmms.customerInput.dateTimeFormat: the date and time format if the language-dependent calendar is used
- tmms.customerInput.dateFormat: the date format if the language-dependent calendar is used
- tmms.customerInput.informationMessage: the text of the information message, for example the description of the behavior when the product is added to the shopping cart again
- tmms.customerInput.accordionHeadingLabel: the text for the foldable area
- Available: English, German
- Latest update: 5 March 2025
- Publication date: 24 June 2021
- Version: 1.3.2
- Category: Detail Page
Reviews (19)
Tolle Erweiterung & guter Support
Auf meine Anfrage wurde prompt reagiert, vielen Dank dafür!
Vielen Dank ...
Plugin das fast keine Wünsche offen lässt.
Aber wenn der Kunde den gleichen Artikel in zwei oder mehreren verschiedenen Längen bestellen möchte, wird das ganze für den Kunden schnell kompliziert und aufwändig. Der Kunde müsste dann für jeden weiteren Artikel eine komplett neue Bestellung anlegen. Gut für die Artikelbuchung des Shops, schlecht für den Kunden. Ich vermute, der Kunde wird dann eher seine Bestellung entnervt abbrechen, als sich auf einen unüblichen Bestellmarathon einzelner Artikel einzulassen. Der Köder muss dem Fisch schmecken, nicht dem Angler! Sicher wäre eine Entscheidungsmöglichkeit über eine Checkbox ( == Artikel mehrmals in den Warenkorb legen möglich.) noch ein riesen Feature und wesentlich eleganter, als eine Hinweismeldung. Ist da denn etwas in dieser Richtung geplant?
Noch eine weitere kleine Unstimmigkeit: Das numerische Feld erlaubt die Auswahl über Buttons in 0.1er Schritten. Top! Leider lässt sich die MinMax-Einschrankung aber nur mit Ganzzahlen bestücken, da würden mögliche Werte mit einer Stelle nach dem Komma besser passen.
Ansonsten ist es eines der besten Plugins, die ich bisher für SW6 gefunden und installiert habe.
how to specific day selection disable?
I do it with doom but it doesn't work properly
ex: span class flatpickr-day flatpickr-disabled
Sehr gut und nützlich
Gibt es ein Update für diese App für neue SW Version ?
gibt es ein Update für diese App für die neue Shopware Version oder kann ich die alte App-Version auch in der neuen SW Version nutzen ? Für Ihre Nachricht danke vorab.
SUPER - absolut TOP
Ich persönlich finde es auch toll, das man beim Produkt selbst die Einstellungen vornimmt - gerade wenn die verschiedenen Produkte unterschiedliche Felder benötigen. Großer Pluspunkt ist außerdem auch das hier Mehrfachänderungen möglich sind. Grundsätzlich ist es auch selbsterklärend und das einbinden in die Bestellbestätigungs-Mail spielend einfach dank der Anleitung.
Vielen lieben Dank an die Entwickler.
Gute Erweiterung.
Super Erweiterung sowie Support!
Ein Top Plugin!
Aber was besonders bemerkenswert ist, ist der Support.
Ich bin absolut begeistert von der Schnelligkeit und Kompetenz!
Wenn es 6 Sterne gäbe...
About the Extension Partner
Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH
Partner Status
Gold Partner -
Extension Partner
- Ø-Rating: 4.9
- Partner since: 2021
- Extensions: 5
- Certifications: Certifications
- Based in: Germany
- Speaks: German, English
- Response time: Very quickly