Bug fixes:
- Improves the stability of the plugin.
New features and improvements:
- Improves compatibility with the DHL API.
- Labels can now be created with the DHL product “Kleinpaket”.
- It is now possible to use a shipper reference as the sender address.
Bug fixes:
- The parcel size is now transmitted to DHL in millimeter precision.
Bug fixes:
- Improves compatibility with some DHL services
New features and improvements:
- Removes the product "DHL parcel connect"
Bug fixes:
Creating labels via the testing web service now works again.
Bug fixes:
- Superfluous spaces are now removed from the postcode field when creating shipping labels.
Bug fixes:
- The card for selecting a Packstation closes automatically after the selection.
New features and improvements:
- An individual sender address can now be stored for each shipping method.
Bug fixes:
- Creating labels via the testing web service now works again.
Bug fixes:
- The settings for the shipping service provider now load correctly when creating a new shipping method.
New features and improvements:
- An option has been added to ask customers for their consent during the checkout process to forward their email address to the carrier.
Bug fixes:
- The Shopware storefront build now works again.
Bug fixes:
- The radio buttons for selecting a packing station, post office or parcel shop in the storefront are now correctly aligned.
- Customers can now optionally use a checkbox in the storefront to specify whether their email address should be forwarded to the shipping service provider.
Bug fixes:
- Creating return labels is now possible for all currencies supported by DHL.
Bug fixes:
- The company name is now placed first on the shipping label.
- The "Company" and "Department" fields are now hidden in the address editing form for private customers.
Bug fixes:
- The shipping label dialog of an order now displays correct data when switching between different orders using the search.
Bug fixes:
- The search for Packstations and post offices now works more reliably.
Bug fixes:
- No map is displayed in the storefront if the API key for Google Maps is not configured.
- Improves the display of error messages.
- The display of the number of shipping labels in the tab bar of the order detail view now shows the correct number again.
New features and improvements:
- Displays a warning on the dashboard if the Two-Factor Authentication plugin (codeblick GmbH) is active, because it is generally incompatible with Pickware.
Bug fixes:
- The carrier configuration in the shipping methods now displays the correct configuration options again after changing the carrier.
- No more notification is displayed when creating a shipping label if a product is missing the country of origin.
- The fallback price for parcel items is now the net price of the product when the order is tax-free.
New features and improvements:
- The plugin is compatible to Shopware version and newer.
Bug fixes:
- For domestic shipments, a message no longer appears when creating a shipping label if no country of origin has been maintained for a product.
- When changing the shipping service provider, the configuration fields are now displayed correctly again.
- Returns can now be created in foreign currencies again
- Error messages now contain a link to the help center again
- For tax-free orders, the gross price is now printed on the export documents again
New features and improvements:
- The plugin is compatible to Shopware version and newer.
- The plugin now requires at least Shopware version
Bug fixes:
- No more conflicting error messages are displayed when saving a new shipping method.
- The signed for by recipient option now works again when creating shipping labels.
- The select on map button is now also displayed if the customer has not consented to a connection with the Google API yet.
New features and improvements:
- The customs value of parcel items is now editable directly in the shipping label creation modal.
Bug fixes:
- The filling weight of a parcel can now be set to a weight < 1 kg again in the "Packages" tab when creating shipping labels.
- The configuration options in the "Packages" tab are displayed correctly again when creating return labels.
Bug fixes:
- The configuration fields for default package dimensions can now be deleted completely.
- Shipping labels can now be generated again for orders containing products with dimensions of 0x0x0cm.
New features and improvements:
- The loading speed of some pages in the storefront was improved.
- Some common input errors in Packstation and post office addresses are now automatically corrected.
- The product price is now used as the customs value when creating a shipping label if no customs value for the product has been set and it is an order item without a price.
- Return labels can now also be generated for customers from Malta.
Bug fixes:
- The Plugin can now be activated and updated when the file system is hosted at AWS S3.
- The preselection of values in the dialog for creating shipping labels now works more reliably.
Bug fixes:
- The configured return receivers will no longer be overridden.
- Does not emit a notification anymore when creating a shipping label for a paid order which does not have cash on delivery enabled.
- The API endpoint for loading available return locations is now using the DHL production API by default.
New features and improvements:
- When creating shipping labels via the administration, individual order items can now be removed if, for example, they are not to be included on export documents.
- In the Specifications tab of a product, a different customs value can now be stored for a product under Custom fields -> Customs information -> Customs value in default currency if the product otherwise has a price of 0 € / CHF / ... .
New features and improvements:
- The cash on delivery amount of shipping labels will now automatically be set to the order amount for eligible orders.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a bug that caused a division by zero error in some cases.
Bug fixes:
- Some fields of the sender address can now also be set to empty values in the general settings for shipping labels.
- Weight and size configuration fields can again be changed after inputting a value.
Bug fixes:
- The plugin is compatible to Shopware version and newer.
- Order shipping labels are now loaded correctly when the search is used to switch between orders.
Bug fixes:
- The plugin can now be installed again, even if symfony/dom-crawler is installed in version 6.4 or 7.0.
Bug fixes:
- Error messages for requests to the DHL API are now more precise and include more information about the type of error.
- The credentials for the business customer portal are no longer recognized as incorrect, although they are correct.
Bug fixes:
- The dialog for creating shipping labels can now be opened for orders without delivery.
- Fields in the configuration which are not required can now be submitted empty.
Bug fixes:
- The plugin is now compatible with doctrine/dbal in version 3.7 and newer.
Bug fixes:
- The creation of return labels to Switzerland and the United Kingdom are possible again.
- The selection of the preferred delivery day is now possible again in the checkout.
- The plugin can be uninstalled again.
- The dispatch notification option for shipments was removed because DHL no longer offers separate configuration of this option.
Bug fixes:
- The tab "Shipping labels" in the order detail view will be shown even when SwagCommercial is installed.
- The dialog for creating shipping labels can be opened once again directly via the "Create shipping label" action in the list of orders.
New features and improvements:
- The plugin is compatible to Shopware version and newer.
- There now is a separate tab "Shipping labels" in the detail view of an order to create shipping and return labels.
- The plugin now requires at least Shopware version
Bug fixes:
- Digital products are no longer considered in the parcel calculation.
- New shipping methods with shipping configurations can be saved again.
New features and improvements:
- Provides the option "signed for by recipient" for shipping labels.
Bug fixes:
- Creating individual return labels without a return recipient for the respective country now displays a better error message.
- The selection of preferred delivery options in the storefront is possible again.
Bug fixes:
- Restores compatibility with Pickware GLS in versions 1.5.0 and before.
New features and improvements:
- It is now possible to create individual return labels in addition to labels with included return label.
New features and improvements:
- Shipping labels from the Shopware bulk edit order view are now sorted by ordernumber.
- It is now possible to create enclosed return labels for the DHL Warenpost product.
- The DHL Warenpost product now supports the Retail outlet routing, Preferred location and Preferred neighbour services.
Bug fixes:
- The fields street, house number, zipcode and city may now be empty.
- The rounding of item weights when creating export documents has been improved so that now the total weight of a package cannot exceed the sum of the individual items.
New features and improvements:
- Adds the ability to create shipping labels via Shopware bulk edit order.
New features and improvements:
- The services "Postal Delivery Duty Paid" and "Closest Droppoint Delivery" can be selected during shipment label creation.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes an error during the retrieval of contract data from the business customer portal in PHP 8.0 and above.
- Fixes an error during shipment label creation.
New features and improvements:
- The splitting of street into street name and house number has been improved.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes an error in the storefront in shopware version and above.
- Fixes an error during the deinstallation in Shopware version and above.
Bug fixes:
- The DHL Wunschpaket feature in the checkout is now working again.
- Fixes an error during the installation in Shopware version and above.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes compatibility to Shopware version
New features and improvements:
- Errors during creation of shipping labels will be translated.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes an error when importing orders.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes an error in the creation of shipping labels.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes an error in the creation of shipping labels.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes an error in the creation of shipping labels.
New features and improvements:
- Under Settings -> Shipping labels DHL the registration for a DHL business customer contract can now be started directly.
- The plugin now requires at least Shopware version
New features and improvements:
- Improves the error notification in the administration when creating a shipping label and the "Cash on delivery amount" value is missing even though "Cash on delivery" is activated in the options.
- Mail templates will be removed when uninstalling the plugin completely.
- The plugin now requires at least Shopware version
Bug fixes:
- The credentials for the business customer portal are no longer recognized as incorrect if they belong to a system
- Fixes an issue when using Shopware's extension framework with Composer 2.2.x.
New features and improvements:
- Some error messages indicating why a label could not be created have been improved.
Bug fixes:
- Saved addresses within a customer account can again be edited by the customer in the storefront.
- The preselection of a shipping service provider for a shipping method now also works correctly for Shopware version and above.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a bug so that the file suffix (".pdf") is correctly added to shipping label files.
Bug fixes:
- PDF files of shipping labels are now named in a meaningful way.
- The logo of the shipping provider is now displayed next to the name in the drop-down menu.
New features and improvements:
- The DHL Location Finder is now available in the checkout as well as in the customer account.
- DHL Warenpost International is now available as a DHL product.
Bug fixes:
- Additional required fields like the phone number will now be shown during usage of the input fields for packing stations, post offices and parcel shops.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes an error which prevented checkout.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes an error in the creation of shipping labels.
New features and improvements:
- The service for parcel outlet routing is now available during the label creation.
- The DHL preferred delivery options can now be used in the plugin and can be displayed during checkout.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes an error in the automatic synchronisation of contract data.
- Activated options that are not available for a specific product are now no longer taken into account when generating labels.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes an error in the automatic synchronisation of contract data.
Bug fixes:
- The plugin can now be installed again without errors.
Bug fixes:
- The list of available incoterms has been updated.
- Cancelled shipping labels will no longer be listed in the "details" area of the order detail view.
Bug fixes:
- The plugin now supports versions 1 and 2 of monolog.
- Disables automatic reconciliation of contract data due to changes on the DHL Business Customer Portal.
New features and improvements:
- The plugin now supports Shopware version
Bug fixes:
- The plugin can now be installed again without errors.
Bug fixes:
- The plugin can now be uninstalled again.
Bug fixes:
- The plugin can now be updated again without errors.
Bug fixes:
- The tracking link now routes to the correct dhl page again.
New features and improvements:
- The plugin now supports Shopware version 6.4.0.
- The settings for automatic weight calculation can now be defined per shipping method.
Bug fixes:
- The size of the created log files on the server has been reduced.
- The plugin now requires at least Shopware version 6.4.0.
Bug fixes:
- When automatically retrieving contract data from the business customer portal, the contract data for a "Warenpost" product will now also be retrieved.
- Shipping labels can now be created for orders that contain custom order line items.
- The plugin can now be installed and updated again under Shopware 6.3.2.*.
Bug fixes:
- The products for Austria have been removed because DHL no longer offers shipping of packages from Austria.
- Manual changes to parcel items are correctly persisted when creating shipping labels.
- The selection in the "Preferred Day" input field is applied correctly again.
Bug fixes:
- The selected product will now be used again to create the label.
- The weights for the positions of a parcel are now no longer striked through incorrectly.
Bug fixes:
- The plugin can now be installed again if the plugin Pickware ERP Starter is already installed.
New features and improvements:
- For international shipments, an "endorsement" can now be specified to configure what happens to the shipment in the
event that it cannot be delivered.
Bug fixes:
- It is now possible to create shipping labels when using different timezones.
Bug fixes:
- It is now possible to create shipping labels for orders that contain "Custom Products".
Bug fixes:
- The list of shipping labels in the order detail page is correctly displayed even if there are shipping labels without documents.
New features and improvements:
- Enclosed return labels: It is now possible to create a return label together with a shipping label, which can be enclosed to the package.
- For export documents, "Sale of goods" can now be set as the shipment type.
- Supports easier submission of DHL Packstation information (Packstation Number and PostNumber) in the Storefront.
- Supports easier submission of Deutsche Post post office information (Post office number and PostNumber) in the Storefront.
- It is now possible to define a customs reference number in the settings, which will be printed in the corresponding field on a CN23 export document.
- Such a customs reference number can also be specified for the recipient.
Bug fixes:
- The credentials for the business customer portal are no longer recognized as incorrect if they belong to a system user.
New features and improvements:
- The plugin now supports shopware version
New features and improvements:
- The plugin now supports shopware version 6.3.1.
Bug fixes:
- When creating a shipping label the country for sender and recipient address can now be changed again.
- The order can now be saved again after a shipping label has been created.
- The plugin now requires at least Shopware version
New features and improvements:
- The plugin can now optionally be uninstalled while retaining all data.
- The plugin now supports shopware version 6.3.0 (from version
Bug fixes:
- The additional address line is now printed on the shipping label.
- The shipping provider config for a newly created shipping method is now saved.
- The value for the "phone number" field in the shipping label dialog is now displayed again.
- The plugin now requires at least Shopware version
New features and improvements:
- The plugin now supports Shopware version 6.2.0.
New features and improvements:
- It is now possible to create shipping labels for the product DHL Warenpost.
Bug fixes:
- It is now possible to update the plugin again, even if the plugin is deactivated.
- The products DHL Paket Taggleichgleich and DHL Paket Wunschzeit have been removed as they are no longer offered by DHL.
New features and enhancements:
- Highlight: It is now possible to automatically create export documents for international shipments.
- The required customs information can be stored in the products and under Settings -> Plugins -> Shipping labels common.
- If an address is incomplete, a corresponding error message is now displayed in the "Create shipping label" dialog.
- If the date of birth for the Ident-Check was not entered correctly, a corresponding error message is now displayed in the "Create shipping label" dialog.
- The plugin now supports Shopware version 6.2.0.
Bug fixes:
- Inherited product attributes, such as weight and description, are now considered correctly for variants when shipping labels are created.
- All available services can now be used with the participation numbers stored for the test web service.
- Even if a product contained in an existing customer order is deleted in the meantime, it is still displayed and taken into account correctly when creating shipping labels.
- The shipping label creation window no longer opens unintentionally after an order document has been created.
- Fixes a bug that caused the plugin to not install on systems that do not support database triggers.
Fixes an incompatibility to MariaDB which caused the plugin not to install.
Fixes a bug that could cause shipping labels not to be created after an update to version 0.3.0.
This version is compatible with Shopware 6.1.
- Fixes an incompatibility to MariaDB which caused the plugin not to install.
- Fixes a bug that prevented shipping labels from being created when length, width and height were defined for a product.
- This version is compatible with Shopware 6.0.0 EA2.
Initial release including these features:
- Support for creating DHL shipping labels for all DHL products,
- Assignment of shipping costs to shipping products,
- Automatic fetching of contract data from the DHL BCP,
- Automatic splitting of shipments into multiple packages,
- Automatic calculation of package weight,
- Support for the services cash on delivery, bulky goods, IdentCheck, visual check of age, Courier, personal handover and additional insurance,
- Check for address codability, and
- Support for GDPR-conformant processing and transfer of customer data.