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Elysium Slider and Banner for Shopping Experiences

Elysium Slider and Banner for Shopping Experiences

by BlurCreative (12) Ratings 1194 Downloads
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  • BlurCreative
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All your slides in one place All slides are managed in one central place. So no tedious... more

Product information


  • Central management of your Slides

    Manage individual slides in a separate page instead of within a element of the Shopping Experience Layout. This will give you a better overview and control. You can assign and arrange slides as desired to a slider.
  • Easy to reuse

    By separating the slider element from the slides, you can reuse your created slides as you wish. Create your slide once and use it in different slider elements. If you want to make adjustments to your slide afterwards, you do it in one central place.
  • Variety of default settings

    For slides and slider elements, there are many settings available, such as background images, video support, custom linking, custom CSS classes, multiple slides per slider view, just to name a few. And new features are added through regular updates.
  • Extend Slides with custom Fields and Templates

    Each slide can be extended with custom Fields and Templates. You can create a custom field set for Elysium Slides and add corresponding fields. All fields will be passed to the slide template. You can also assign custom templates freely customize them in a Twig file.
    Note: The custom Fields and Templates must be set and edited manually in the shopwares template system. Knowledge of Twig and Shopware templates are required.
  • Easy to use — well documented

    We focus on a clean user experience without sacrificing essential features. Additionally, there is a comprehensive documentation available with helpful guidance and useful tips.


  • Design slides according to your ideas. Slides are the heart of this extension. They determine content and appearance. A variety of design options are available. Whether it's a simple image banner, videos or more complex SEO banners, our Elysium extension is your tool for designing unique Shopping experiences in Shopware 6.
  • Optimal conditions for responsive SEO banners. Get even more out of your slides. For improved SEO, you can set content such as a headline or a description. In the headline, you can set the H-element of the headline and use simple HTML tags like u, b, i, strong or span.
  • Consistent settings for smartphone, tablet and desktop view. You can easily switch between views in both Slides and the CMS Element settings. You can make certain settings specifically for this view. You can recognize which settings these are by a corresponding device symbol.
  • Slide-Cover Backgrounds. You can set a simple color, gradients, images, or videos as slide backgrounds. Different images can be set for the mobile, tablet, and desktop views respectively.
  • Further Slide Settings. The content area can be further adjusted by text alignment, background color, padding, alignment, maximum width and many more. Additionally, you can define your own CSS classes.
  • Individual Slide Linking. You can link a slide individually. Relative, absolute or anchor linkings are possible. This link is either output as a button or covers the entire slide.
  • Link products with Slide. You can not only create individual links, but also link individual products in a slide. As soon as you have linked a product, the product image, name, description, and link are automatically adopted. However, you can overwrite this information by setting a different title, description, or focus image in the slide.
  • Own Slide Templates. You can add your own slide template as a Twig file. This way, a slide can be designed completely individually. These templates can also be reused and derived. Note: Knowledge in Twig / Shopware-Template is necessary.
  • Slides can be expanded by custom fields. Create your own custom field set and expand the data of your slides. This way you can display more images, texts and more. Note: Knowledge in Twig / Shopware template is necessary.
  • Adjust Slider Elements. In the slider element, auto-play, quick navigation, navigation arrows, gaps, and more can be adjusted.
  • Multiple slides per slider view. In the slider element, multiple slides can be displayed at once. The number can be freely adjusted for smartphones, tablets, and desktops.
  • Use aspect ratios instead of absolute values for optimal responsive display. The aspect ratio can be adjusted for the smartphone, tablet, and desktop view. As a result, your sliders and banners have the optimal size on every device.
  • Lighthouse and Performance optimized. The CMS elements are optimized for various Lighthouse evaluations. For example, the slide cover image is integrated as an HTML-Picture tag, instead of a CSS background image. This allows for native "Lazy Loading" on the one hand, and on the other hand it improves the method for loading thumbnail sizes. In addition, the aspect ratio is directly specified to avoid "Cumulative Layout Shifting".


All your slides in one place

All slides are managed in one central place. So no tedious creation of slide content within an Shopping Experiences element. You can easily reuse your slides in other places and arrange them freely like you want. 

Arrange your sliders how and where you want

In the Shopping Experiences you will find the Elysium Slider element. In this element you can arrange your created slides flexibly and reuse them unlimitedly. Of course, you can also create multiple Elysium Slider elements on different Shopping Experiences and freely arrange your slides.

So you maintain your slides once and can display them in different places and in different constellations. This gives you the greatest flexibility to display your content the way you want.

Extendable by custom fields

You would like to add more content to your slide? Every single slide can be extended with custom fields.
Note: The additional fields must be adjusted manually in the slide template

Reviews 12
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Customer reviews

Average customer rating from 12 reviews:


Einfach nur perfekt!

7 May 2024

Einfach nur perfekt! Danke!


Ein Traum dieser Slider!! Spielt ziemlich alles!

4 May 2024

Und was nicht sofort ersichtlich ist, dass im Desktopmodus z.B. gleichzeitig mehrere Slides angezeigt werden können... z.b. 3 von 7 ... das kann man je Viewport noch dazu einstellen... auch das Höhenverhältnis.

Einfach nur perfekt!! Danke an die Produzenten!



1 May 2024

Good extensions...

16 Apr 2024

Hello Jean,

I answered your question in your last Review. No need to spam the Review section.
If you need further help, please contact us at:

Thank you for your understanding,
Robert from BlurCreative

Very Good

13 Apr 2024

I am waiting for a compatible version for Shopware 6.6.

13 Apr 2024

Hello Jean,

Thanks for your Review. We currently working on version 3 with Shopware 6.6 compatibility. As we make good progress we can not tell an exact release date for now. We assume a release in may.

Best regards,
Robert from BlurCreative


15 Jan 2024

Eines der wichtigsten Plugins für Shopware 6, um vernünftige Banner zu gestalten.
Auch die Funktion, eigene Template-Dateien zu erstellen - dann noch mit Zusatzfeldern - macht aus dem Plugin ein unverzichtbares Werkzeug.
Wenn dann wie angekündigt, die vorhandenen Slider auch noch dupliziert werden können, sind wir absolut begeistert !

9 Apr 2024


Vielen Dank für die positive Bewertung.
Seit heute steht die Version 2.1.0 offiziell bereit. Neben vielen Verbesserungen und Erweiterungen - ein Blick in das Änderungsprotokoll lohnt sich - ist nun auch das kopieren von Slides möglich.
Ab Version 2.0.0 wurde auch die Template Struktur der Slides geändert. Wir bitten dies bei einem geplanten Update zu berücksichtigen.

Viele Grüße,
Robert von BlurCreative


29 Nov 2023

Na da hat sich ja mal jemand richtig Gedanken gamacht.
Was in SW 5 das Digital Publishing war ist jetzt der Menüpunkt Elysium Slids (mit ein paar Ausnahmen)
und wer dann verschiedene Banner-Slider in die Einkaufswelt von SW5 gepackt hat, macht das jetzt mit dem Elysium-Slider in den Erlebniswelten.
Kurz um: Ein Must-Have für gute Erlebniswelten.
Noch eine Anmerkung an das Team. Es wäre toll, wenn man bereits vorhandene Slids kopieren könnte um dann neue mit nur geringer Änderung zu erstellen.
vielen Dank--- weiter so :-)

30 Nov 2023

Hallo Jörg,

Danke für deine Bewertung und Feedback. Es freut uns, dass dir unser Slider gefällt.
Die Möglichkeit Slides zu kopieren steht bereits auf der To-Do Liste und sollte in einem der nächsten Updates zur Verfügung stehen.

Viele Grüße,
Robert von BlurCreative

Bestes Plugin für Banner & Co.

29 Nov 2023

Wir verwenden das Plugin nun schon seit einer Weile und finden dieses am besten für die Website-Gestaltung. Vorher hatten wir ein kostenpflichtiges, welches aber nicht eine so gute Bedienung ermöglicht hat und optisch im Shop auch nicht so gut aussah. Super ist auch, dass die Banner auch für die Darstellung in der mobilen Version angepasst werden können. Der Support hilft auch super schnell und freundlich weiter, das ist bei einem kostenlosen Plugin sehr selten. Alles in allem Top-Plugin!

30 Nov 2023

Hallo Claudia,

Vielen Dank für deine Bewertung und positiven Worte. Es freut mich dass wir euch bei der Lösung eines Slider internen Problems weiter helfen konnten und unsere Erweiterung für euch einen guten Mehrwert bietet :)

Viele Grüße,
Robert von BlurCreative

Einfach zu bedienen. Cooles Konzept

19 Sep 2023

Wir haben einige Slider Erweiterungen ausprobiert und sind schließlich bei diesem Slider hängen geblieben. Die Aufteilung zwischen Erlebniswelten Slider-Element und einzelnen Slides erleichtert die Pflege und man kann Slides sogar einfach wiederverwenden. Das Design des Sliders ist schlicht, was aber Geschmacksfrage ist. Das Design lässt sich, vor allem durch CSS, sehr gut anpassen. Auch dank der recht ausführlichen Dokumentation. Es könnte noch ein wenig mehr Funktionen geben, die Basics lassen sich aber anpassen. Alles in allem sind wir sehr zufrieden mit dem Elysium Slider.

20 Sep 2023

Hallo Sarah,

Danke für deine Bewertung. In Zukunft wird es noch weitere Updates geben, die neben Verbesserungen auch neue Funktionen mitbringen. Wenn du spezielle Feature Wünsche oder Verbesserungsvorschläge hast, kannst du uns gern über ein Support-Ticket oder per Mail erreichen.

Viele Grüße,
Robert von BlurCreative

Problem with button

13 May 2023

Unfortunately, I have a problem with buttons, I set it up in the backend but in the front, it does not show up, do you know what can cause this problem? The Plug-in is very good and works nice, except for this button thing.

17 May 2023

Hello Mario,

Thank your for your Review.
Can you send us an Email regarding the problem with further details? You can reach as at

Best regards,
Robert from BlurCreative

Funktioniert nach Update

20 Apr 2023

Der Maintainer hat sehr schnell auf meine Fehlermeldung reagiert. Vielen Dank für die Mühe dieses kostenlose Plugin zu pflegen!

19 Apr 2023

Hallo Florian,

Es tut uns sehr Leid dass durch das testen des Plugins deine Zeit verschwendet wurde. Wie du selbst bemerkt hast handelt es sich hierbei um ein kostenfreies Projekt ohne Support, weswegen nicht so viele Kapazitäten bereitgestellt werden können wie bei monetarisierten Plugins.

Soeben wurde Version 1.4.2 veröffentlicht in welcher dieser Fehler behoben sein sollte. Wir hoffen du gibst unserem Slider noch eine Chance ✌️

Viele Grüße,
Robert von BlurCreative

Aktualisierung hilft

20 Apr 2023

Danke für die Aktualisierung, nun klappt alles wieder.
Wir wären definitiv bereit für den Slider Geld zu bezahlen, da er optisch genau das ist was wir suchen!

18 Apr 2023

Hallo Melanie,

Vielen Dank für die Aktualisierung deiner Bewertung und dein Feedback. Wir werden uns überlegen in Zukunft kostenpflichtigen Support mit entsprechenden Leistungen anzubieten.

Viele Grüße,
Robert von BlurCreative

Cooles Plugin

27 Jan 2023

Wir waren auf der Suche mit genau dieser Anforderung.
Mit dem Elysium Slider für Erlebniswelten haben wir diese komplett abdecken können.
Auch der Support reagierte innert Kürze. Top Service!



Version 2.2.2


  • Change: The SQL syntax of the database migration 1707906587 has been changed to support MariaDB versions 10.3 and higher.
  • Bugfix: The Headline HTML tags i, u, b, strong, br and span are now displayed as expected in the frontend
  • Bugfix: Fixed behavior of maximum width of content and image elements

Version 3.2.1


  • Change: The SQL syntax of database migration 1707906587 has been changed to support older MySQL and MariaDB versions. IMPORTANT NOTE Starting with version 4, the database versions recommended by Shopware are supported without exception

Version 3.2.0


  • Improvement: The information in which Elysium Slide a medium is used is now displayed in the media management. When deleting a linked medium, a corresponding message appears
  • Improvement: Role permissions have been added in the Elysium Slides module
  • Improvement: In the slide settings, the option Stretch image to full width has been added to the image element
  • Change: The Auto playback interval setting in the CMS slider now has a minimum value of 200 instead of 3000
  • Change: The focus image is now displayed in automatic width by default instead of full width
  • Bugfix: HTML tags i, u, b, strong, br and span are now displayed as expected in the frontend
  • Bugfix: Correct CSS class names in CMS blocks. This results in styling fixes
  • Bugfix: Correct the aspect ratio. When the content of the slide exceeds the aspect ratio, the height of the slide adjusts to fit the content. This means that the content is no longer cut off.
  • Bugfix: Text snippets in the administration have been corrected

Version 2.2.1


  • Bugfix: When content exceeds the specified aspect ratio, a Slide is now displayed in its entirety
  • Bugfix: Prevent breaking overflow in 'Elysium Banner' Shopping Expierence block

Version 3.1.1


  • Bugfix: The UI icons in the administration have been adjusted. These are also displayed correctly again from Shopware 6.6.2.

Version 2.2.0


  • Improvement: When saving a slide, the cache of all Shopping Experience layouts that have an Elysium element assigned to them is now invalidated. This means that changes to the slide are immediately visible in the storefront without having to delete       the cache
  • Bugfix: Prevent breaking overflow in cms two-col block

Version 3.1.0


  • Improvement: When saving a slide, the cache of all Shopping Experience layouts that have an Elysium element assigned to them is now invalidated. This means that changes to the slide are immediately visible in the storefront without having to delete       the cache
  • Bugfix: Prevent breaking overflow in cms two-col block

Version 3.0.1


  • Bugfix: The slide description is now saved as expected
  • Bugfix: Correction of text snippets in the administration

Version 3.0.0

Update Notes

This update provides compatibility with Shopware 6.6. Plugin support changes with this version. Version 3 contains feature enhancements and bug fixes. Version 2 receives bug fixes only. Version 1 is no longer supported and will not receive further updates.

All code within the administration has been adapted. We have minimized the code and focused on improving performance and user experience.


  • Improvement: Update and customization of the administration components
  • Improvement: The JavaScript code of the sliders in the storefront is now loaded dynamically

Version 2.1.0


  • Feature: A post update conversion of the slide and slider settings has been added. When updating from version 1.5 to 2.1, slide and slider settings are automatically applied. Note: Data from versions lower than 1.5 will not be converted.     We also strongly recommend creating a database backup before the update
  • Bugfix: Errors in the slide template have been fixed and the general styling has been optimized

Version 2.0.0

Important note

The 2.0 update contains critical changes. Please test the update from version 1.x to 2.0 in a staging environment to avoid permanent data loss. This release contains deep structural changes. These changes were unavoidable to ensure   efficient and future-proof development of the Elysium extension.

Update Notes

Banner element for Shopping Expierence layout was added

Slides can now be displayed individually in a Banner element. Two additional Block elements have also been added to the Shopping Expierence layout. These can be found in the new block category Elysium Slider and Banner.

The Elysium Banner block is designed to display a single banner.
The Elysium Block - 2 Columns is designed to display two banner elements. However, other Shopping Expierence elements can also be used in this block.   This block offers extended display options for smartphone, tablet, and desktop views, which can be accessed in the sidebar of the Shopping Experiences layout designer.

Extending the configuration of Elysium Slides

The configuration of Elysium Slides has been restructured and expanded. New display options have been added, and a focus image can now be used. The focus image is displayed next to the content area detached from the Slide cover.

The Slide cover images have also been improved, with different images available for smartphone, tablet, or desktop view.
It is now possible to link a product in addition to an individual link. The product's name, description, and image are automatically   displayed. However, the Slide can overwrite this information by inserting the slide headline or focus image for example.

Consistent settings for smartphone, tablet and desktop view

The settings for slides, slider, and banner elements now have a unified configuration for smartphone, tablet, and desktop views. Each device icon represents a specific view. By clicking on a device icon, the configuration can be specially optimized   for this view. Device-dependent settings are indicated below each option.
Users can also adjust device sizes, determining which view is used based on screen width. To set device sizes, go to Settings → Extensions → Elysium Slider.

Improvement of slide templates and styles

The template structure and CSS styles of slides have been revised and organized more logically. If you are using your own templates, please check them for appropriate changes.


  • Feature: Banner element for Shopping Expierence layout was added
  • Feature: Shopping Expierence block 'Elysium Banner' was added
  • Feature: Shopping Expierence blockk 'Elysium Block — 2 Columns' was added
  • Feature: Device-dependent settings have been added to the 'Slider' and 'Banner' elements
  • Feature: Device-dependent settings have been added to the slide settings
  • Feature: Slides can now be copied
  • Feature: Slides can be added a 'focus image'
  • Feature: Various slide cover images can be added for the smartphone, tablet and desktop view
  • Feature: A large number of slide settings are now device-dependent
  • Improvement: Slide settings have been greatly expanded
  • Improvement: Optimization of slide cover thumbnails in the frontend (improvement of the Lighthouse performance rating)
  • Improvement: Deleting a slide is now also possible on the detail page
  • Changes: The Elysium Experience blocks can now be found in the block category 'Elysium Slider and Banner'
  • Changes: The slide detail page has been restructured. This mainly affects the code quality. The form for media has been moved to a separate tab. The additional field settings can now be found in the "Advanced" tab
  • Changes: Slide templates and styles have been restructured

Version 1.4.6

- Bugfix: An error in the slide button display has been fixed. If a slide was created without enabling/disabling the URL overlay option, the button was not shown. This error has been corrected and the slide button is shown as expected.
- Bugfix: An error in the slide selection of the shopping experience slider element has been fixed. With different languages, no slides could be selected and the slide selection was not displayed. Now the entire slide selection should work as expected in every selected language.

Version 1.5.6

- Bugfix: An error in the slide selection of the shopping experience slider element has been fixed. With empy slide headlines, no slides could be selected and the slide selection was not displayed. Now the entire slide selection should work as expected even if slide headlines are empty.

Version 1.5.5

- Feature: It is now possible to display several slides per page. Previously, the view was limited to one slide per page. The Slide behavior settings can be found under Sizes in the Shopping Experiences Slider element. You can specify how many slides should be displayed per page.

Version 1.5.4

- Bugfix: An error in the slide selection of the shopping experience slider element has been fixed. With different languages, no slides could be selected and the slide selection was not displayed. Now the entire slide selection should work as expected in every selected language.

Version 1.5.3

- Feature: The inner container width of the content can now be set in the CMS Slider element. Possible options are "Page content width" or "Full width". Learn more:

Version 1.5.2

- Fix: Translations in the admin have been corrected
- Improvement: The display of the slider has been optimized. In the slider settings there is now the possibility to configure the padding
- Improvement: The slide selection in the admin has been optimized. The drag and drop function of the slides is now better recognizable

Version 1.5.1

- Fixed a bug where the slider was displayed incorrectly

Version 1.5.0

Changes and extension of the shopping worlds slider element settings

Besides bug fixes, this update relates to the settings of the shopping worlds slider element.  We have made an adjustment to the admin interface and added options.

Important note

These adjustments also result in changes to the data structure of the shopping worlds slider element. Please read our update notes for version 1.5.0 before updating the extension.

Update Notes:

- Feature: It is now possible to assign a slider heading

- Feature: New settings have been added for the shopping worlds slider element

- Change: The interface of the configurationn of the shopping worlds slider element has been adjusted

Version 1.4.5

- Bugfix: ignore case sensitive on file extension of slide-cover media

Version 1.4.3

- Chore: Update JavaScript build file for Shopware 6.5 Compatibility

Version 1.4.2

- Bugfix: The display of the slide cover background images now works again as expected

Version 1.4.1

- Chore: The slider-overlay option is now inactive by default

Version 1.4.0

Note for developers

The slide template has been refractored. Templates for individual slide components are now located under `storefront/component/blur-elysium-slide/`.  

The template for the main CMS element is still located under `storefront/element/cms-element-blur-elysium-slider.html.twig`.


- Feature: In the slide settings there is now the "Advanced" tab, this will contain advanced settings of a slide

- Feature: An individual Twig template file can be defined per slide. This is located in the "Advanced" tab of the slide settings (#44)

- Improvement: Optimisation of the slide selection view in the Elysium Slider CMS element (#55)

- Improvement: Optimization of ACL roles for admin users (#69)

- Chore: The slide template has been refractored

- Bugfix: The 'no slides available' dialogue in the Elysium Slider CMS element now appears as expected (#53)

- Bugfix: Fix wrong thumbnail order in frontend (#57)

- Bugfix: The slide button is now hidden when the URL overlay option is active (#63)

Version 1.3.1

- Feature: Slide headline accepts br, i, u, b, strong and span HTML tags (#50)
- Bugfix: correct title attribute in url overlay template (#51 - thanks to Alexander Pankow)
- Bugfix: set text-indent to absolute value in url overlay template (#51 - thanks to Alexander Pankow)

Version 1.3.0

New slide selection in CMS element

The slide selection in Elysium Slider CMS element has been revised. The aim is that shop managers can maintain and arrange the slides faster and more effectively. 

So there is an overview of the selected slides, where slides can be repositioned, edited or deleted. The user experience has also been improved with helpful dialogues and hints in the slide selection.  

Video support of slide covers
Videos can now also be linked and uploaded as slide cover. For the time being, only .mp4 or .webm videos are displayed. As slide cover for portraits, as before, only images can be linked. This display is ignored as soon as a video is linked as slide cover.  

Important note

If slides without HTML element or text color for Headlines were initially saved, they could not be saved afterwards. This error has been fixed.  

However, this can lead to the removal of information that has already been maintained (only affects HTML element or text color of the headline property) in created slides.  
Therefore, these details should be checked in already created slides


- Feature: New slide selection in CMS element (#11)

- Feature: Video support of slide covers (#9)

- Bugfix: Escaping CSS functions in `Resources/app/storefront/src/scss/_elysium-slider.scss 115:26` (#40)

- Bugfix: Double Quotes background-image inline CSS in `Resources/views/storefront/element/blur-elysium-slide-media.html.twig` added (#41)

- Bugfix: Addes Context menu actions media sidebar (#43)

- Bugfix: Its now possible to save HTML element and textcolor of headline property afterwards (#49)

Version 1.2.1

- Hotfix: Neu kompilieren von JS Dateien.

Version 1.2.0

This update is about Slides! We have added some settings to Elysium Slides and improved the admin UI for the slide view. And of course we also improving our code quality.

Highlight in this version

set html-element and text-color settings to slide headlinereplace descriptions text with html editoradd button appearance settingadd slide css class settingadd slide bg coloradd slide content alignmentadd content container vertical alignadd content container bg color

add content container padding

Other improvements and fixes
improve extension lifecycle code and security improve slide view in admin. put display related settings in own tab. improve url overlay setting in slide detail view

Version 1.1.3

- Cancel action in slide detail view should work as expected

Version 1.1.2

- remove depracted image-flow mode setting

Version 1.1.1

- update plugin icon
- fix/add wrong/missing translation snippets
- minor code fixes

Version 1.1.0

- add media folder for elysium slides
- remove image-flow mode
- add aspect-ratio config
- support thumbnails in frontend
- minor style and accessibility improvements

Version 1.0.0

- First release in the Shopware Store

About the Extension Partner

BlurCreative BlurCreative Shopware Extension Partner Shopware Extension Partner 1 Extensions 5 Ø Rating
Current version:


€ 9.99* /month for 3 months,
€ 12.99* /month
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This app starts with a free trial month. The rent can be canceled at any time on a monthly basis or will be automatically renewed at the indicated prices.

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Valid until 01.07.2024 18:30

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