Ready This is an app especially developed for Shopware 6
Odoo Connector
Expected release: October 2024
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  • Xcom129487729731f
  • Xcommerce BVBA
  • en_GB
What is it? This extension facilitates the connection between your Odoo ( v15-17) system and... more

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  • Real-time update sync base on system events
  • Logs


What is it?

This extension facilitates the connection between your Odoo ( v15-17) system and your Shopware 6 shop. The integration establishes a bilateral synchronization via API connection between the two platforms, thus ensuring seamless data exchange in both directions, tailored to your specific needs.

How does it work?

The extension will sync the default entities from Odoo: products, customers, prices ( pricelists, advanced price rules, discounts) and orders. Once installed, you will be able to configure it based on the provided documentation, or you can contact us for additional assistance or for customizations.

The extension is also calculating each user’s price based on the Pricing strategy you have set in Odoo, covering pricelists, multiple prices per products, advanced price rules, discounts and other formulas, time-based rules.

What else can we offer?

In addition to the standard entities mentioned earlier, we can tailor your extension to incorporate elements such as multiple currencies, invoices, Odoo order history, returns, credit notes, delivery slips, custom reports, loyalty programs or any other necessary modifications.

If necessary, we can customize the default entities or modify the overall flow to better suit your specific requirements.

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About the Extension Partner

Shopware 6 Signet Shopware 6 ready Xcommerce BVBA Xcommerce BVBA Shopware Extension Starter Shopware Bronze Partner Shopware Extension Starter Shopware Bronze Partner 4 Certifications Developer SW5 0 Developer Advanced SW5 0 Template Designer SW5 0 Template Developer SW5 0 Developer SW6 1 Developer Advanced SW6 1 Solutions Specialist SW6 0 PaaS Specialist SW6 Template Designer SW6 1 Template Designer Advanced SW6 1 6 Extensions No ratings

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