## What's Changed
### Fixes ⛑️
* Fix OFFER_CLOSED webhook processing
## What's Changed
### Fixes ⛑️
* Fix OFFER_CLOSED webhook processing
## What's Changed
### Fixes ⛑️
* Add notification message on Thank You page for processing payments
## What's Changed
### Fixes ⛑️
* Add notification message on Thank You page for processing payments
## What's Changed
### Fixes ⛑️
* Fix missing shipping cost in total amount for guest users paying with PayPal
* Change the element to which the order confirmation listener is attached
* Fix the issue with retrieving the country state
* Fix undefined array key errors
* Add ruleIds to carts created from orders
* Use translations for shipping methods name and description
## What's Changed
### Fixes ⛑️
* Fix missing shipping cost in total amount for guest users paying with PayPal
* Change the element to which the order confirmation listener is attached
* Fix the issue with retrieving the country state
* Fix undefined array key errors
* Add ruleIds to carts created from orders
* Use translations for shipping methods name and description
Full Changelog: https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/compare/3.17.9...3.17.10
## What's Changed
### New Features ?
* Add blocks to action modal so it can be extended
### Fixes ⛑️
* Fix domain resolution
* Fix cancellation of Twint payments
## What's Changed
### New Features ?
* Add blocks to action modal so it can be extended
### Fixes ⛑️
* Fix domain resolution
* Fix cancellation of Twint payments
## What's Changed
### Fixes ⛑️
* Fix the issue with shipping methods when product and cart page are loaded
## What's Changed
### Fixes ⛑️
* Fix the issue with Shopware decorator
* Fix the issue with shipping methods when product and cart page are loaded
## What's Changed
### New Features ?
* Add Store API notification endpoint to support headless sales channels
### Fixes ⛑️
* Fix issue where Terms and Conditions were not unchecked after payment
* Fix issue where Gift Cards could still be redeemed even when the payment method was inactive
* Fix checkout issue when payment method data is missing
## What's Changed
### New Features ?
* Add Store API notification endpoint to support headless sales channels
### Fixes ⛑️
* Fix issue where Terms and Conditions were not unchecked after payment
* Fix issue where Gift Cards could still be redeemed even when the payment method was inactive
## What's Changed
### New Features ?
* Add express checkout payment feature on product and cart pages with Google Pay, PayPal, and Apple Pay payment methods
### Fixes ⛑️
* Fix the installation process using Composer
## What's Changed
### New Features ?
* Add express checkout payment feature on product and cart pages with Google Pay, PayPal, and Apple Pay payment methods
## What's Changed
### New Features ?
* Change company registration number to be optional field for Billie payment method
### Fixes ⛑️
* Fix the processing order transaction that do not have original PSP reference
* Fix the processing of notifications that do not have a PSP reference
* Fix invalid type in store-api payments method subscriber
* Remove post scripts from composer.json
* Fix the issue with modal opening on the confirmation page for payments with 3DS2 cards
## What's Changed
### New Features ?
* Change company registration number to be optional field for Billie payment method
### Fixes ⛑️
* Fix the processing order transaction that do not have original PSP reference
* Fix the processing of notifications that do not have a PSP reference
* Fix invalid type in store-api payments method subscriber
* Remove post scripts from composer.json
* Fix the issue with modal opening on the confirmation page for payments with 3DS2 cards.
## What's Changed
### New Features ?
* Added E2E tests into repository
### Fixes ⛑️
* Fixed issues with Klarna payments
## What's Changed
### New Features ?
* Updated release gitflow
### Fixes ⛑️
* Fixed issues with Klarna payments
## What's Changed
### New Features ?
* Upgraded the version of adyen/php-api-library
### Fixes ⛑️
* Fixed handling for tax-free orders
* Fixed issue when aborting Paypal transaction
## What's Changed
### Fixes ⛑️
* Fixed handling for tax-free orders
* Fixed issue when aborting Paypal transaction
* Fixed donation feature
## What's Changed
### New Features ?
* Added support for Billie via Klarna payment method
* Added support for Ratepay Open invoice and Ratepay Direct debit payment methods
* Changed the failure page for Bancontact mobile payments
### Fixes ⛑️
* Fixed the uninstallation process to remove all plugin database tables
* Fixed duplicate listing of the plugin in the plugin:list command
## What's Changed
### New Features ?
* Added support for Billie via Klarna payment method
* Added support for Ratepay Open invoice and Ratepay Direct debit payment methods
* Changed the failure page for Bancontact mobile payments
### Fixes ⛑️
* Fixed the uninstallation process to remove all plugin database tables
* Fixed duplicate listing of the plugin in the plugin:list command
## What's Changed
### New Features ?
* Added support for Online Banking Finland
* Changed Sofort to Klarna Debit Risk
* Added support for Online Banking Finland
* Removed support for Dotpay
### Fixes ⛑️
* Fixed issue with Bancontact checkout flow from mobile app
* Fixed dal validation errors
* Fixed notification processing when merchantReference is missing
## What's Changed
### New Features ?
* Added support for Online Banking Finland
* Changed Sofort to Klarna Debit Risk
* Added support for Online Banking Finland
* Removed support for Dotpay
### Fixes ⛑️
* Fixed issue with Bancontact checkout flow from mobile app
* Fixed dal validation errors
* Fixed notification processing when merchantReference is missing
- Add compatibility with Shopware
- Fix the issue when product becomes out of stock
- Fix the issue with missing origin from state
- Fix the issue with missing origin from state
- Fix blocked checkout after PayPal payment cancellation
Other Changes ?️
Current checkout api version: v71
Current checkout component version: v5.66.1
Fixes ⛑️
Other Changes ?️
Current checkout api version: v71
Current checkout component version: v5.66.1
Full Changelog: 4.1.0...4.1.1
Other Changes ?️
[ECP-9382-v3] Visa Compliance - Include holderName in recurring payment requests by @candemiralp in #527
Prepare 3.16.1 by @candemiralp in #530
Disclaimer: The zip file for this version of the plugin on the marketplace is currently broken, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please try using version 4.1.1, or if you prefer this specific version, you can download it from the GitHub releases, where the zip file is functioning correctly.
New Features ?
Other Changes ?️
- [ECP-9382] Visa Compliance - Include holderName in recurring payment requests by @candemiralp in #526
Current checkout api version: v71
Current checkout component version: v5.66.1
## What's Changed
### New Features ?
* [ECP-9277-v3] Add support for Billie Payment Method by @SushmitaThakur in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/519
### Fixes ⛑️
* [ECP-9206-v3] Adyen related tables missing for giftcard payments on admin panel by @SushmitaThakur in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/506
* [ECP-9226-v3] Update syntax for default value in alter table in migration by @SushmitaThakur in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/507
### Other Changes ?️
* [ECP-9250] Support new Ideal payment flow by @candemiralp in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/503
* Prepare release v3.16.0 by @RokPopov in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/522
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/compare/3.15.0...3.16.0
Disclaimer: The zip file for this version of the plugin on the marketplace is currently broken, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please try using version 4.1.1, or if you prefer this specific version, you can download it from the GitHub releases, where the zip file is functioning correctly.
<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at main -->
## What's Changed
### New Features ?
* [ECP-8326] Implement multiple giftcard usage by @khushboo-singhvi in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/473
* Add schedule webhook command by @wannevancamp in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/458
* [ECP-9115] Implement partial refunds for gift card payments by @candemiralp in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/482
### Fixes ⛑️
* [ECP-8856] Compatibility Error on Update by @khushboo-singhvi in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/460
* [ECP-9027-v3] Add missing dependency definition by @candemiralp in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/476
* [ECP-8856] Compatibility Error on Update by @khushboo-singhvi in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/466
* Fix recursion error for checkout order route by @sneakyvv in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/468
* [ECP-9140] Disable individual gift card payment methods by @candemiralp in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/477
* [ECP-9130] Get Add Giftcards button back on cart and offCanvas. by @khushboo-singhvi in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/483
* [ECP-8827] Fixing shopper locale for redirect based payment methods by @SushmitaThakur in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/487
* [ECP-9184] Revert removal of gift card payment methods by @candemiralp in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/489
* Fix gift card dropdown CSS attribute by @candemiralp in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/491
### Other Changes ?️
* Moved Util/Currency into Shopware6 project by @SushmitaThakur in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/455
* [ECP-8524] Updated to Model based PHP library version by @SushmitaThakur in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/427
* [ECP-9086] Checkout component upgrade to 5.63.0 by @SushmitaThakur in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/481
* [ECP-9148] Moved CheckoutStateDataValidator and DataArrayValidator from library to plugin by @SushmitaThakur in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/484
* Add null check to isManualCaptureEnabled method of AdminController by @SpiGAndromeda in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/480
Current checkout api version: v71
Current checkout component version: v5.63.0
## New Contributors
* @sneakyvv made their first contribution in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/468
* @SpiGAndromeda made their first contribution in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/480
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/compare/3.14.4...3.15.0
Fixes ⛑️
Current checkout api version: v70
Current checkout component version: v5.49.2
What's Changed
Fixes ⛑️
- Prevent PHP error if response is missing data. by @ntzrbtr in #428
- [ECP-8719] Fix capture, refund and notifications blocks in admin order detail page by @candemiralp in #431
- [ECP-8333] Fix disappearing giftcard discount data after login by @candemiralp in #432
New Contributors
Current checkout api version: v70
Current checkout component version: v5.49.2
: 3.14.1...3.14.2Full Changelog
What's Changed
Fixes ⛑️
- Prevent PHP error if response is missing data. by @ntzrbtr in #428
- [ECP-8719] Fix capture, refund and notifications blocks in admin order detail page by @candemiralp in #431
- [ECP-8333] Fix disappearing giftcard discount data after login by @candemiralp in #432
Fixes ?️
Current checkout api version: v70
Current checkout component version: v5.49.2
New Features ?
Fixes ⛑️
Other Changes ?️
New Contributors
Current checkout api version: v70
Current checkout component version: v5.49.2
New Features ?
[PW-8273] Create a section for partial Adyen payments by @candemiralp in #366
Fixes ⛑️
fix extra leading slash in return URL by @peterojo in #365
[PW-8295] Fix giftcard capture mode for adyen_payment table by @candemiralp in #367
[PW-8315] Set shopperInteraction for payments request by @candemiralp in #369
[PW-8276] Add translations of giftcard section by @candemiralp in #372
[PW-8294] Fix manual capture flow for giftcards by @candemiralp in #368
[PW-8339] Add unique constraint pspreference to adyen_payment table by @candemiralp in #374
Other Changes ?️
Configure Renovate and disable dependency dashboard by @candemiralp in #354
[Test] Add manual trigger for e2e tests by @cenkiravul in #351
[PW-8261] Make use of larger runners for E2E pipeline by @cenkiravul in #363
Set Adyen Giving configuration fields for actions by @candemiralp in #370
Current checkout api version: v69
Current checkout component version: v5.33.0
Fixes ⛑️
- [PW-7980] Update NotificationEntity definitions and exception handling for notification processing by @candemiralp in #353
- [PW-8180] Fix wrong language on checkout component by @candemiralp in #356
- [PW-8156] Load giftcard component on the registration page by @candemiralp in #357
- [PW-7981] Change productUrl builder for line items by @candemiralp in #355
- [PW-8075] Change payment method after giftcard payments by @candemiralp in #358
- [PW-8230] Replace the methods designed for internal usage with the correct ones by @candemiralp in #360
Current checkout api version: v69
Current checkout component version: v5.33.0
New Features ?
Fixes ⛑️
Other Changes ?️
Current checkout api version: v69
Current checkout component version: v5.33.0
Fixes ⛑️
- [PW-7455] - Fix Showpare Affiliate marketing for Adyen Payment Method by @raoulritter in #323
- [PW-7480] Support cancellation for OFFER_CLOSED and CANCELLED notifications by @peterojo in #324
Other Changes ?️
- [PW-7497] - Add commands to enable/disable Adyen payment methods by @candemiralp in #325
Current checkout api version: v69
Current checkout component version: v5.23.1
## What's Changed
### Fixes ⛑️
* [PW-7455] - Fix Showpare Affiliate marketing for Adyen Payment Method by @raoulritter in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/323
* [PW-7480] Support cancellation for OFFER_CLOSED and CANCELLED notifications by @peterojo in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/324
### Other Changes ?️
* [PW-7497] - Add commands to enable/disable Adyen payment methods by @candemiralp in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/325
Current checkout api version: v69
Current checkout component version: v5.23.1
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/compare/3.8.0...3.8.1
New Features ?
- [PW-7345] Create configuration for selecting frontend domain by @RokPopov in #309
- [PW-7429] - Support new GooglePay tx_variant by @candemiralp in #317
Other Changes ?️
Current checkout api version: v69
Current checkout component version: v5.23.1
- [PW-7106] - Use lineItem builder in PHP library for lineItems by @candemiralp in #289
- [PW-6992] Fix origin issue with multiple domain in one storefront by @peterojo in #293
- [PW-7212] Fix issue with custom payment methods by @peterojo in #297
- [PW-6994] Make sure notification is successfully inserted before returning accepted message to Adyen by @RokPopov in #298
- [PW-7042] - Refactor webhook handling functionality by @candemiralp in #296
- [PW-7003] - Upgrade PHP API Library, PHP Webhook Module, Web Components versions by @candemiralp in #288
Current checkout api version: v69
Current checkout component version: v5.23.1
- [PW-7106] - Use lineItem builder in PHP library for lineItems by @candemiralp in #289
- [PW-6992] Fix origin issue with multiple domain in one storefront by @peterojo in #293
- [PW-7212] Fix issue with custom payment methods by @peterojo in #297
- [PW-6994] Make sure notification is successfully inserted before returning accepted message to Adyen by @RokPopov in #298
- [PW-7042] - Refactor webhook handling functionality by @candemiralp in #296
- [PW-7003] - Upgrade PHP API Library, PHP Webhook Module, Web Components versions by @candemiralp in #288
Current checkout api version: v69
Current checkout component version: v5.23.1
#285 Adyen Giving support
#282 Use inline checkout components instead of popup modal
#281 Fix bug in checkout component config for enabling stored payment details
#283 Allow use of custom line item types in cart and order
## What's Changed
### Features
* [PW-6677] - Add Bancontact Mobile payment method support by @candemiralp in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/271
* [PW-6468] - Add image & product Url parameters to lineItem for open invoices by @candemiralp in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/265
### Fixes
* Bump guzzlehttp/guzzle from 7.4.2 to 7.4.5 by @dependabot in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/263
* [PW-6906] Improve webhook processing logs by @peterojo in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/274
* Refactor Twig by @MelvinAchterhuis in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/272
* [PW-6955] - Upgrade checkout component version by @candemiralp in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/278
* [PW-7014] fix paypal paylater display by @peterojo in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/279
* [PW-7017] fix for giftcard payments by @peterojo in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/280
## New Contributors
* @MelvinAchterhuis made their first contribution in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/272
Current checkout api version: v68
Current checkout component version: 5.19.0
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/compare/3.4.2...3.5.0
Fixes - [PW-6502] - Street name and house number separation with regex #255
- [PW-6477] - Get sales channel url from the hreflang integration if it is set #254
- [PW-6680] use environment to detect which api key to test #257
- [PW-6820] - Prevent PayPal cancellation block the payment method change on checkout #266
Bugfix: re-include dist file for frontend javascript
Added CaptureService to delay capture for payments #233
Add refusalReasonCode and refusalReason to payments API response #240
Update web component, php lib and webhook module #237
Add manual capture for open invoice payments #238 Update CODEOWNERS #241
Set idempotency key to avoid duplicated refund requests #248
Only show ApplePay in checkout page in Safari browser #243
Update platform name #247
- [PW-6351] - Do not use StoreService to get the shopware version #234
Other- Bump symfony/framework-bundle from 5.3.13 to 5.3.15 #228
- [PW-5930] - replace require with require_once in test bootstrap #229
- [PW-6142] - remove REFUND_FAILED as a webhook payment state #230
* [PW-5944] - Change the private function preparePaymentsRequest to protected by @RokPopov in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/222
* [PW-5203] - Partial refunds by @RokPopov in https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-shopware6/pull/219
Fixed the wrong DoB format to fit Checkout API (#214)
Avoid rendering the giftcard component in checkout and use HPP fallback (#221)Fixes
Bump symfony/serializer from 5.3.8 to 5.3.12 (#216)
Bump symfony/http-kernel from 5.3.9 to 5.3.12 (#218)Dependencies
#183 Implement giftcards
#191 Prefill shopper details and addresses
#192 Add addressDetails to Amazon Pay
#190 Outsource notification processing to webhook module
#195 Add refund processing to order detail page
#199 Show/Hide 'Save credit card' option
#200 Split the configuration panel into components
#198 Show notifications in order details page
#202 Show safe error messages to shopper
#189 Paypal button is not working in Firefox on IOS mobile
Current checkout api version: v67
Current checkout component version: 4.2.1
**Please note this is not the latest version of the plugin, just the
last patch release for version 2 (used on Shopware 6.3). The current
latest release is version 3.**
- Add refund processing to order detail page (v6.3)
Important notes:
This release is built to support Shopware v6.4 and above, it is NOT backwards compatible with versions < 6.4
#180 #177 Added support for Shopware 6.4
#179 Added the following payment methods:
#178 Fix line item description for products with variants.
#173 Added help text to all fields in plugin configuration
#175 Fixed structure of payment method extension
### Important notes
This release removes support for the OriginKey, adding a Client Key value in the administration will now be required for the checkout component to work.
**NB:** This release does **not** include support for the new major Shopware version, we will support version on a new major version of our plugin (v3.0.0), but we will continue to maintain version ^2.0.0 to support Shopware version ~6.3.1
### Features
#158 Updated Checkout API version to v67 and Web Component version to 4.2.1
#158 Removed Support for origin keys
#159 Implemented Paypal pay button in checkout page
#161 Process refund notifications from Adyen to update order transaction states
#162 Added Adyen payment methods data and additional information to Store API payment-methods response
#163 Added client key and additional data to sales channel context in Store API response
#164 Added support for Amazon Pay via pay button in checkout page
#168 Added support for Blik payment method
### Fixes
#149 Improved error handling in payment flow
#151 Switched to event subscriber for setting payment state data
#153 Exclude discount line items from open invoice payment request
#155 Added workaround to allow guest customers to complete payment for an order after a failed payment attempt
This release introduces support for Apple pay, Google Pay, Bancontact and Dotpay payment methods. Also adds support for custom payment flows with multiple steps in checkout.
#126 Add support for Google Pay & Apple Pay payment methods
#126 Allow sending of state.data directly to payment endpoint
#143 Add support for Dotpay payment method
#98 Add support for Bancontact payment method
#145 support sending of payment method and payment details in separate steps
#132 Bug fix in payment methods filter, to display only payment methods available via API
#134 Fix broken 'Test Configuration' button in Shopware v6.3.4.1 and above
#137 Set correct route prefixes to ensure the correct routes are generated
#140 Detect proper tax status to subtract tax from orderlines
This release introduces processing of payment notifications and updating of payment statuses. See the docs for more information.
Also in this release, all usage of the deprecated SalesChannel-API is dropped and Store-API is used.
Added processing of Notifications
Removed extra fields in API test request
Replace all usage of the deprecated sales-channel-api with store-api
Fixed problem with completing a failed payment
Allow sales-channel specific setting of plugin configuration
Fixed check to remove OneClick from PM list
#93 [PW-3610] Implementing client key
#95 Update checkout api version to 64 and checkout component version to 3.18.2
#97 Add GiroPay payment method
#111 PW-3120 add weekly cron to fetch PM logos
#99 [PW-3631] storedPaymentMethods state.data check
#106 Bump shopware/core from to
This release introduces a new feature that fetches the payment method logos to be stored in the Shopware 6 instance. Merchants need to make sure that the following configuration is set to enabled: shopware.media.enable_url_upload_feature. This is enabled by default in platform/src/Core/Framework/Resources/config/packages/shopware.yaml. New MediaFolder Adyen will be created with migration.
Enable save card details
OneClick payment methods
Add German translations
Refactor PaymentResponse to not depend on the current session
Cards form is not presented to shopper if it is the default payment method
/paymentMethods call in order edit is not using the order data
**New Payment Methods**
- PayPal
- iDeal
- Klarna Pay Later
- Klarna Pay Now
- Klarna Account
- SEPA Direct Debit
- Add payment methods to the plugin and adjust card payment handler
- Adding redirect data to /payments call
- OpenInvoice lines support and Klarna PMs
- Adding support for multiple sales channels configurations
- Make API version in routes dynamic
- Getting module version from plugin entity
- Add support for Klarna Account
- Removing plugin data on uninstall
- Fix illegal transition "paid" from state
- Fix 3DS2 modal in change order page
- Moving PM decorator logic to event subscriber
- Improve error messages in the plugin config test
- Fixing invalid entity definitions
- Make plugin compatible with different payment methods
- Adjust constructor to shopware 6.3 in AdyenAccountOrderController
- Fix eslint error when using watch-administration.sh
- Adding shopware/storefront dependency
- Replacing usage of _sendRequest for post calls
- Last name fix for payments calls
- Logging some messages in NotificationReceiverService as critical
- Changing twig if statement to check if payment method handler contains 'handler_adyen_'
- Checking if order is 'in_progress' before doing do_pay transition