
Average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars
- 26 Extensions
- 2014 Partner since
E-commerce made easy!
The Pickware GmbH is able to rely on almost 10 years of experience in producing and supporting Shopware plugins. For the Shopware 5 environment and with Shopware ERP powered by Pickware, Pickware has created the official Shopware enterprise resource planning tool, focusing on completely integrating all necessary features into Shopware.
With Pickware ERP, the manufacturer now also supplies a fully integrated enterprise resource planning system for Shopware 6.
Furthermore, Pickware offers a range of solutions regarding inventory, dispatch and POS systems which aim to automate processes and allow for a central administration of all sales channels in an omnichannel concept.
With Pickware, there is no need for the use of additional systems or faulty interfaces. More information can be found at www.pickware.com
Pickware GmbH
Goebelstr. 21
64293 Darmstadt
+49 (0) 6151 / 629 30 30